
js schema

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status npm NpmLicense

JS Schema validation library, compatible with json-schema. It is more suitable for js use, pursues concise and stylish code style, make it reusable as possible.

welcome to fork,pr,issues;

try it now!



install with npm

npm i -S '@tongchia/jsschema'


const {obj, str, num, int, date, arr, bool, buff, any} = require('jsschema');

const person = obj.properties({
  name      : str.maxLength(200).minLength(5),
  binary    : buff,
  living    : bool.default(true),
  updated   : date.default(Date.now),
  age       : int.min(0).max(65, true), // > 0 && <= 130
  email     : str.format('email'),
  birthday  : date.after('1890-01-01'),
  mixed     : any,
  _someId   : str.format('mongo-id'),
  _array    : arr,
  array     : [],
  _ofString : arr.items(str),
  ofString  : [str], // same as `array.items(string)` ↑
  ofNumber  : [num],
  ofDates   : [date],
  ofBuffer  : [buff],
  ofBoolean : [bool],
  ofMixed   : [any],
  ofObjectId: [str.format('mongo-id')],
  ofArrays  : [[]],
  ofArrayOfNumbers : [[num]],
  books     : [{ // => array.items(object.properties({...
    title     : str,
    author    : [str],
}).required(['name', 'age', 'birthday']);

  name    : 'TongChia',
  age     : 30,
  birthday: new Date('10/18/1987')
}, (err) => {

// to json-schema;


  • string
    • enum
    • pattern
    • minLength
    • maxLength
    • format
      • * from chriso/validator.js
        • alpha
        • email
        • url
        • base64
        • hex-color
        • md5
        • mongo-id
        • uuid
        • ip (ipv4, ipv6)
        • json
        • ...
      • data-time (full-date, full-time)
      • hostname
      • uri, iri
      • uri-template
      • regexp
    • String-Encoding Non-JSON Data
  • number (integer)
    • enum
    • minimum, maximum
    • exclusiveMinimum, exclusiveMaximum
    • min, max (alias to minimum, maximum, exclusiveMinimum, exclusiveMaximum)
    • range (alias to min, max)
    • integer
    • multipleOf
    • converter (numeric)
  • date (js-schema)
    • after
    • before
    • converter (date-time, full-date, date-string, time-stamp)
  • array
    • minItems
    • maxItems
    • unique (uniqueItems)
    • items
    • additionalItems
    • contains
    • entries ✨
    • Overload function ✨
  • object
    • properties
    • required
    • patternProperties
    • additionalProperties
    • size (minProperties, maxProperties)
    • propertyNames
    • dependencies
      • schema dependencies
  • buffer (js-schema)
    • converter (strings, base64)
  • null (nil)
  • boolean
  • function (js-schema)
  • any
    • allOf
    • anyOf
    • oneOf
    • not
  • Constant values
  • Enumerated values
  • Metadata
    • title
    • description
    • default
    • examples
  • json-schema
    • generate json-schema
    • parse json-schema
      • Combining schemas ⚡️
  • referenced schema
    • $id ⚡️
    • $ref ⚡️
    • resolve method (browser & nodeJs) ⚡️

Custom validate

const {string} = require('jsschema');

  'keyword', // the keyword
    validator: (value, params) => check(value, parameter), // return true/false;
    message: '`{value}` should valid for schema:{type}.{keyword}({params})',

    isAsync: true,
    validator: (value, params, callback) => {
      // check value
      if ('ok')
        return callback(null, value)
      return callback(new ValidationError('...'))


  • custom validate;
  • test report;
  • automatic publish;
  • browser test;
  • toModel
    • MobX;
    • MongoDB;
      • mQuery;
  • mongoose schema;
  • json-schema;
    • parse json-schema;
    • generate json-schema;
    • test with ajv;
  • google protocol-buffers;
  • GraphQL;