Smart-doc is a java restful api document generation tool. Smart-doc is based on interface source code analysis to generate interface documentation, completely zero-injection.
Pinned issues
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- 3 which is showing in doc was the description in version 2.x.x but now is modified to the class name in version 3.0.0
#964 opened by jackmiking - 0
Incorrect Parameter Location for Unannotated Parameters in API Documentation
#965 opened by linwumingshi - 0
When the ContentType is set to `multipart/form-data` and query parameters (annotated with `@RequestParam`) are included, the query parameters are lost when pushed to Torna.
#961 opened by linwumingshi - 0
Incorrect Parsing of Constants in @JsonProperty and @JSONField Annotations Leads to Documentation Errors
#934 opened by linwumingshi - 6
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🐞 Enum with `@JsonValue` annotation generates incorrect example value (uses enum name instead of method return value)
#949 opened by linwumingshi - 4
If the request parameter contains type "date" and the parameter name is endTime or beginTime, the resulting example value may be different from what you expect.
#947 opened by jasonkung22 - 12
Whether to support using `@JsonProperty` configuration name first when generating document properties
#937 opened by yangyf520 - 1
If there are enumerations in the query request parameters, the generated request parameter comments will not include 'See'.
#939 opened by jasonkung22 - 4
Do you have a plan to support multiple request example and mutiple response example
#932 opened by jay763190097 - 1
Index out of bounds error in globGicName[0] of the com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ArrayBuilders.BooleanBuilder class.
#936 opened by hl9565 - 1
When the project's Javadoc is not properly formatted How can I generate API documentation without making any modifications to the project
#854 opened by KiRito02 - 2
Unable to extract the comments of entity class fields.
#793 opened by jqncc - 1
Supporting grouping when generating OpenAPI
#925 opened by shalousun - 10
If code similar to @Validated(GenerateDataByPlanDateGroup.class) is detected, then only the fields marked with GenerateDataByPlanDateGroup should be included in the generated documentation.
#791 opened by baichoulishang - 0
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Request parameters for wrapper classes are not currently supported, although I added generics
#899 opened by jay763190097 - 3
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When using encoders to specify only one class, the write encoders = MessageResponseEncoder.class does not resolve the response parameters.
#901 opened by shalousun - 5
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Mapping Methods in Subclass Without @RestController or @Controller Annotation Incorrectly Added to API Documentation。
#792 opened by zachary-jiang - 0
Error in generating gRPC documentation on Mac
#873 opened by shalousun - 0
When using `Dubbo RPC` or `@Javadoc` tags to generate documentation, if the parent class or interface is overridden without Javadoc comments, the generated interface documentation lacks descriptive information.
#865 opened by linwumingshi - 1
failed to generate websocket api doc
#869 opened by jackiesteed - 1
@RequestPart annotation parameter support issue
#847 opened by zooltech - 1
V3.0.5 DataDictionaries reports an error when using internal enumeration (Cannot invoke "java. lang. Class. isInterface ()" because "enumClass" is null)
#863 opened by EliuGit - 4
When generating openapi.json, there is no corresponding conversion for BigDecimal type parameters, resulting in the display of object {} when used in conjunction with openapi-ui
#857 opened by 601513928 - 1
Suggestions for extensibility
#840 opened by duanmourena - 1
Can support EnumSet and JSR310 DateTime?
#828 opened by Ikki-Dai - 0
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Fields in request parameters annotated with @JsonSerialize(using = ToStringSerializer.class) should not be marked as strings.
#833 opened by linwumingshi - 1
[bug] Inheriting the bug in sending requests after enabling debug mode from Solon
#824 opened by Hans-Wu-cn - 0
JSR-303 required field bug in certain cases
#821 opened by linwumingshi - 0
In Jakarta EE, the required fields for parameters using JSR 303 default group (@Validated(Default.class)) display false
#819 opened by linwumingshi - 0
The interface sorting was specified, but the order is chaotic when generating OpenAPI.
#816 opened by shalousun - 2
Tree structure parsing bug
#804 opened by zhanghan2585 - 3
Failed to set sequence number using @order
#796 opened by q651742112 - 4
Cannot generate documentation for requests whose content-type is form-data and urlencoded
#799 opened by shaunhurryup - 7
How to get the annotations of fields in the common package when using single tests in multi-module?
#800 opened by zzmdiao - 4
Customizing RequestMappingHandlerMapping to implement multi-version management of interfaces fails to obtain the real path
#786 opened by laboratorys - 3
NPE in JsonBuildHelper
#789 opened by muyuanjin - 7