Clone this repository. Open it in VScode and run
npm i
from the terminal. Start working by editing the ./src/pages/index.jsx file.
The following packages have already been added to package.json:
retext, retext-keywords, retext-pos
Example code for using the keyword extractor:
import { retext } from "retext";
import retextPos from "retext-pos";
import retextKeywords from "retext-keywords";
import { toString } from "nlcst-to-string";
let keywords = [];
let v1 = await retext()
.process(toAdd.text); => {
Build a keyword extracting tool. Has to be built using reactjs function components.
In index.jsx, inside the Home function component, we will add:
An input field for the paragraph we want to analyse. A "Save" button to save the paragraph and extract the keywords from it.
When user saves a paragraph, create an object {text: the text inside the input, keywords: the keywords to be extracted, timestamp: current timestamp, looks like this: 1671402915492}.
Extract the keywords from our text, by using the code provided earlier.
Save the object in an array, and save that array to localstorage. Tip: Use useEffect() to trigger every time we change our data, to save it in localstorage.
When user loads the page, load the paragraphs and their keywords from localstorage. Tip: Use useEffect() with an empty array for dependencies;
Make a new "Posts" Component where we will display all the paragraphs and their respective keywords.