A layout manager for the RecyclerView with interchangeable linear, grid, and staggered displays of views, all with configurable section headers including the sticky variety as specified in the material design docs.
- alirahimpour89
- allenlsySammamish, WA
- askelandOslo, Norway
- asker517Xi'an China
- billynyh
- dandar3
- ilueckelGermany
- iPaulProBrookyln, NY
- itlonewolfamap
- JackChoalipay
- jerrychoi
- jonathanrz
- julienbanse
- LenaYanSina
- MarkMjwTencent
- marunjar
- nitrico@mysugr
- notiesUniverse
- nuptboyzhbAlibaba Group
- patrick91@fastapi
- r17171709Big Balloon
- racyon
- rejasupotaroTokyo, Japan
- rlacBrisbane, Australia
- robhamkTaiwan
- romsModCloth
- Serg0
- sockeqweMunich
- stkentYNAB (@ynab)
- TonicArtosAotearoa
- trevorwangMingsin
- trietbui85Zalora
- tylerchesleyUtard
- WmmengBeijing
- wrjqss
- xsveda@Cleverlance