
This useless widget checks for GOG's offline resources updates.

Primary LanguagePython



This self-use purpose widget checks for GOG's offline resources updates.

Nowadays, while most GOG users prefer GOG GALAXY for software updates, a few old-school mates still shares the "to have is to own" belief, by maintaining a separated offline resource repo. On the other hand, manually checking for offline packages updates can be painful, which gives inspiration to this little project.

GGGSS - How to manage a GOG offline repo

GGGSS aka General GOG-Game Saving Strategy aims to maintain an easy-to-read offline repo both for human and autoscripts, this is what a GGGSS-compatible repo looks like:

├── title_slug_1`102394264
│   ├── v1.2.355`win
│   │   ├── setup_title_slug_1_v1.2.355.exe
│   │   └── setup_title_slug_1_v1.2.355-1.bin
│   ├── v1.1`win
│   │   ├── setup_title_slug_1_v1.1.exe
│   │   └── setup_title_slug_1_v1.1-1.bin
│   ├── `bonus
│   │   ├── avatar.zip
│   │   └── artbook.pdf
│   ├── `dlc
│   │   ├── dlc_slug_1`109834537
│   │   │   ├── v1.3`win
│   │   │   │   └── setup_dlc_slug_1_v1.3.exe
│   │   │   └── `bonus
│   │   │       └── official_toolkit_setup.exe
│   │   └── dlc_slug_2`102947857
│   │       └── `bonus
│   │           └── original_soundtrack.zip
│   └── `misc
│       ├── Patch_v1.2_v1.3.exe
│       ├── Unofficial_bug_patch.exe
│       └── Mod_mapkit.zip
└── `title_slug_2`100936485
    ├── gog-1`win
    │   └── setup_title_slug_2_gog-1.exe
    ├── _`linux
    │   └── title_slug_2_gog_1.sh
    └── v3_1`osx
        └── title_slug_2_gog_1_.pkg

Human words:

  • Keep every title under a unique folder named by [Slug]`[Product ID], which can be acquired through GOGDB site.
    • Keep installer related files under [Version]`[Platform] folder, use multiple folders for different combinations of version & platform.
      • If the version string contains forbids chars \/:*?"<>|, replace them with _.
      • If the version displays as N/A in GOGDB website (which means a null in json data), leave the version string as _.
    • Keep bonus contents under `bonus folder, gogrepochk doesn't check for any bonus content updates, for these contents usually remain untouched since release.
    • Keep DLCs under `dlc folder, each DLC should be treated same as a title under its own [Slug]`[Product ID]-named folder, with its own installer related files and/or bonus contents.
    • Keep other things under `misc folder, no matter it is an official patch, a mod file, or a cheatsheet.
  • Keep no empty folders, e.g. leave no `dlc folder for titles without DLCs owned.
  • Bundles and Game packs are not supported, the repo only serves for games and DLCs
  • Adding a ` before the title/DLC folder to manually skip checking for update, useful when the title is already confirmed out-dated, or a DLC is undocumented in GOGDB.