
Multi-Thumb, Accessible, Beautiful Range Slider with Pips

Primary LanguageSvelteMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Range Slider (with pips)

A reactive, accessible, multi-thumb, range slider with the ability to display "pips" or "notches" along the range. Importable as a svelte-component, or used directly in any javascript application.

Svelte Range Slider -- focussed, including some pips

๐Ÿ“” External Full Documentation & Examples
๐Ÿ’ฒ REPL Svelte component demo
โค Codepen Plain JS component demo


Features of the range slider plugin (written below)

  • โœจ fully customisable, stylable & accessible
  • ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ multi-thumb
  • ๐ŸŽš range (min/max)
  • ๐Ÿท floating labels
  • ๐Ÿ“ ruler notches
  • ๐Ÿท labels for notches
  • ๐Ÿงฎ step function
  • ๐Ÿ– formatter
  • ๐ŸŽญ animated


Open your project and use the command line to install the package;

yarn add svelte-range-slider-pips --dev          # or
npm install svelte-range-slider-pips --save-dev  # if you prefer npm


as a regular JS file

If you're not building a svelte-app, you can use the /dist/ version of the script /dist/svelte-range-slider-pips.js and include it either with a regular <script> tag. This should even work with jQuery.

<script src="./js/vendor/svelte-range-slider-pips.js" />

<div id="my-slider"></div>

  var mySlider = new RangeSliderPips({
    target: document.getElementById("my-slider"),
    props: { /* props as js object */ }

in a svelte project

Assuming you have a Svelte app up and running;

  import RangeSlider from "svelte-range-slider-pips";

<RangeSlider />

as a JS module

If you're building a bleeding-edge JS application (not svelte), you might want to use js imports (import)

import RangeSlider from "./node_modules/svelte-range-slider-pips/dist/svelte-range-slider-pips.mjs";

var mySlider = new RangeSlider({
  target: node, // js reference to a DOM element
  props: { /* props as js object */ }

props (options)

slider props

prop type default description
values Array [50] Array of values to apply on the slider. Multiple values creates multiple handles. (note: A slider with range property set can only have two values max)
min Number 0 Minimum value for the slider
max Number 100 Maximum value for the slider
step Number 1 Every nth value to allow handle to stop at
range Boolean/String false Whether to style as a range picker. Use range='min' or range='max' for min/max variants
pushy Boolean false If range is true, then this boolean decides if one handle will push the other along
float Boolean false Set true to add a floating label above focussed handles
vertical Boolean false Make the slider render vertically
pips Boolean false Whether to show pips/notches on the slider
pipstep Number 1/10/20 Every nth step to show a pip for. This has multiple defaults depending on values property
first Boolean/String false Whether to show a pip or label for the first value on slider. Use first='label' to show a label value
last Boolean/String false Whether to show a pip or label for the last value on slider. Use last='label' to show a label value
rest Boolean/String false Whether to show a pip or label for all other values. Use rest='label' to show a label value
all Boolean/String false Whether to show a pip or label for all values. Same as combining first, last and rest. Use all='label' to show a label value
prefix String "" A string to prefix to all displayed values
suffix String "" A string to suffix to all displayed values
disabled Boolean false Determine if the slider is disabled, or enabled (only disables interactions, and events)
formatter Function (v,i) => v A function to re-format values before they are displayed (v = value, i = pip index)
handleFormatter Function formatter A function to re-format values on the handle/float before they are displayed. Defaults to the same function given to the formatter property (v = value, i = handle index)
springValues Object { stiffness: 0.15, damping: 0.4 } Svelte spring physics object to change the behaviour of the handle when moving

slider events (dispatched)

event example event.detail description
start on:start={(e) => { ... }} { activeHandle: Integer, value: Float, values: Array } Event fired when the user begins interaction with the slider
change on:change={(e) => { ... }} { activeHandle: Integer, startValue: Float, previousValue: Float, value: Float, values: Array } Event fired when the user changes the value; returns the previous value, also
stop on:stop={(e) => { ... }} { activeHandle: Integer, startValue: Float, value: Float, values: Array } Event fired when the user stops interacting with slider; returns the beginning value, also

๐Ÿ“”๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“– Full Documentation & Examples


I am very happy to accept;

  • ๐ŸŒŸ suggestions/requests for new features or changes
  • ๐Ÿ›  pull-requests for bug fixes, or issue resolution
  • ๐Ÿงช help with creating a proper test-suite