Table of Contents


bestreads is a new take on social media revolving around books.

Join groups of avid readers in a judgement free, and welcoming place!

User Flow

Not Logged In

When the user lands on the page without being logged in, they will be welcomed with a splash page with the season's artwork as well as a section to either Log In or Register.

Under the login section there will be a section showing a selection of featured books.

After Logging In

After logging in, the user will be greeted with that month's bestread's book clubs.

On the right column, there will be a section for the user's reading goal for the year. And another section recommending a book.

On the Navbar, there will be a link to Browse as well as My Books.


In the Browse page, the user will see a section of featured books. Below that section there will be an assortment of books for the user to browse through.

The user will also see a breakdown of genres that will be clickable for the user to filter by that genre.

All books will be clickable and redirect the user to a Book Show Page

Book Show Page

In the Book Show Page, the user will be able to see details of the book.

Below the book details there will be a button to help the user find a location to buy the book.

Under the buy button there will be an assortment of reviews from various users.

My Books

In the My Books page, the user will see a collection of every book they've read and rated.

This will serve as an archive and a record for the user to have one place to track their reading journey.


Not Logged In Landing Page

Logged In Landing Page

Browse Books

Browse Books By Genres

Book Show Page

My Books


  • Node
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • EJS


  • Tony Villa
  • Demencio Lafleur