當前版本: 1.5.3
gShadowsocks 是一個可以帶你穿過防火牆的輕量代理軟件 基於nodejs版本的 shadowsocks.
本項目不再更新; 請使用 其他版本.
修改 config.json
這個文件 (Windows下面最好使用notepad++修改,使用系統自帶文本編輯器可能會丟失格式)
server 你的服務器IP (IPv4/IPv6), 注意 這是服務器的外網獨立IP
server_port 服務器監聽端口
local_port 本地監聽端口
password 你所設置的密碼
timeout 超時時間設置
method 加密方式 如: "bf-cfb", "aes-256-cfb", "des-cfb", "rc4", 等等. 默認是 table
修改配置文件完成後 運行gShadowsocks.exe
然後改變您的瀏覽器代理端口 詳見http://ippotsuko.lofter.com/post/15c52d_156fc15
protocol: socks5
port: your local_port
打開根目錄修改 config.json
. 然後在你擁有公網獨立IP的服務器上運行 gShadowsocksserver.exe
You can use args to override settings from config.json
sslocal -s server_name -p server_port -l local_port -k password -m bf-cfb
ssserver -p server_port -k password -m bf-cfb
ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks/config.json
Example of multi-user server support can be found in test/config-multi-passwd.json
你可以構建 coffee source 代碼以及測試:
npm install -g coffee-script
cake build test
請訪問 issue tracker
Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/shadowsocks
Also see troubleshooting
啓動器來自:goagent-taskbar https://github.com/goagent/taskbar
下載 https://github.com/goagent/taskbar/archive/master.zip 然後用 vc6 打開 taskbar.dsw, 點"編譯"得到 taskbar.exe 此時的 taskbar.exe 是 cmd.exe 的一個外殼 用 reshack/exesope 修改 taskbar.exe 的圖標資源和字符串資源就能得到自定義的任意 console 程序的外殼了 比如 goagent.exe
更多**程式可以見 https://github.com/fqtools
shadowsocks-nodejs is a node.js port of shadowsocks.
Deprecated; please use Other versions.
Many people are asking why. Here's why.
The GC of node.js sucks.
Python version handles 5000 connections with 50MB RAM while node.js version handles 100 connections with 300MB RAM. Why should we continue to support node.js?
Download https://github.com/goagent/taskbar/archive/master.zip
Open taskbar.dsw with vc6/visual studio , run and build it that you can get taskbar.exe
taskbar.exe is one of the shell of cmd.exe now
You can use reshack/exesope to edit 'icon' or 'string' resource of taskbar.exe and you can get any shell of console
such as goagent.exe
No License and Thx for anthor phuslu
More Anti-Gre@tFirewall Tools on https://github.com/fqtools