
Technologies Used:

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript...Python...PHP
  • jQuery, bootstrap, ect....
  • Any other major technologies?


  • Where
  • What
  • Why
  • How


Describe: ticketPrice();

Test: "It stores user input as a variable." Code: ticketPrice(10); Expected Output: "10"

Test: "It returns a unique price based on the title of the selection subtracting 4 dollars for old movies." Code: ticketPrice("Star Wars"); Expected Output: 6

Test: "It returns a unique price based on the title of the selection adding 2 dollars for new releases." Code: ticketPrice("The Bunny Rabbit"); Expected Output: 12

Describe: timeOfDay();

Test: "It return the time of day" Code: timeOfDay("noon"); Expected Output: "noon"

Test: "It converts price based on time of day, it subracts 2 dollar based on time of day." Code:timeOfDay("noon"); Expected Output: 8

code: timeOfDay("night"); Expected Output: 10

Describe: ageOfUser();

Test: "It should determine the age of the user." Code: ageOfUser(60); Expected Output: 60

Test: "It should change the price based on the user age by 1 dollar." Code: ageOfUser(61); Expected Output: 9

Test: "It should the price by 2 dollars for kids." Code: ageOfUser(7); Expected Output: 8

Test: "It should return base price for ages 12-59 years old." Code: ageOfUser(24); Expected Output: 10

Expected Output

Business Logic

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Setup instruciton...Made simple
  • Easy to read format
  • {Leave nothing to chance! You want it to be easy for potential users, employers and collaborators to run your app. Do I need to run a server? How should I set up my databases? Is there other code this application depends on? We recommend deleting the project from your desktop, re-cloning the project from GitHub, and writing down all the steps necessary to get the project working again.}

Known Bugs

  • What and where are the bugs/issues?
  • Find them!

License :


Questions, help with any issue? What to do?


MM/DD/YYYY Antonio Martinez