Super Galactic Calculator

This is a running webpage, as of 2/7/20.

By Antonio Cruz


Link to github repo

Link to gh-pages branch

This is a calculator that determines, based on one's age, their actual age on other planets. Among this interesting fact, it will also tell you your life expectancy on those planets, and whether or not you surpassed that value.

SPEC Sheet

Calculations of a Younger Person:

  • A method which returns a human's age in Earth years:

    • Input: user's age (35).
    • Output: age in Earth years (35).
  • A method which returns a human's age in Venus years:

    • Input: user's age (35).
    • Output: age in Venus years (56).
  • A method which returns a human's age in Mercury years:

    • Input: user's age (35).
    • Output: age in Mercury years (145).
  • A method which returns a human's age in Mars years:

    • Input: user's age (35).
    • Output: age in Mars years (18)
  • A method which returns a human's age in Jupiter years:

    • Input: user's age (35).
    • Output: age in Jupiter years (2).
  • Determine the user's time left on Earth.

    • Input: users age (35).
    • Output: number of years left (37).
  • Determine the user's time left on Venus.

    • Input: users age (56).
    • Output: number of years left (60).
  • Determine the user's time left on Mercury.

    • Input: users age (145).
    • Output: number of years left (155).
  • Determine the user's time left on Mars.

    • Input: users age (18).
    • Output: number of years left (20).
  • Determine the user's time left on Jupiter.

    • Input: users age (2).
    • Output: number of years left (4).

Calculations of an Older Person:

  • A method which returns a human's age in Earth years:

    • Input: user's age (90).
    • Output: age in Earth years (90).
  • A method which returns a human's age in Venus years:

    • Input: user's age (90).
    • Output: age in Venus years (145).
  • A method which returns a human's age in Mercury years:

    • Input: user's age (90).
    • Output: age in Mercury years (375).
  • A method which returns a human's age in Mars years:

    • Input: user's age (90).
    • Output: age in Mars years (47).
  • A method which returns a human's age in Jupiter years:

    • Input: user's age (90).
    • Output: age in Jupiter years (7).
  • Determine the user's time lived passed LE on Earth.

    • Input: users age (90).
    • Output: number of years left (18).
  • Determine the user's time lived passed LE on Venus.

    • Input: users age (90).
    • Output: number of years left (29).
  • Determine the user's time lived passed LE on Mercury.

    • Input: users age (90).
    • Output: number of years left (75).
  • Determine the user's time lived passed LE on Mars.

    • Input: users age (90).
    • Output: number of years left (9).
  • Determine the user's time lived passed LE on Jupiter.

    • Input: users age (90).
    • Output: number of years left (1).

Calculations of a person of the same age as the LE on each planet:

  • A method which returns a human's age in Earth years:

    • Input: user's age (72).
    • Output: age in Earth years (72).
  • A method which returns a human's age in Venus years:

    • Input: user's age (72).
    • Output: age in Venus years (116).
  • A method which returns a human's age in Mercury years:

    • Input: user's age (72).
    • Output: age in Mercury years (300).
  • A method which returns a human's age in Mars years:

    • Input: user's age (72).
    • Output: age in Mars years (38).
  • A method which returns a human's age in Jupiter years:

    • Input: user's age (72).
    • Output: age in Jupiter years (6).
  • Determine the user's difference in LE and current age on Earth as nothing.

    • Input: users age (72).
    • Output: Difference between their age and the LE on this planet. (0).
  • Determine the user's difference in LE and current age on Venus as nothing.

    • Input: users age (116).
    • Output: Difference between their age and the LE on this planet. (0).
  • Determine the user's difference in LE and current age on Mercury as nothing.

    • Input: users age (300).
    • Output: Difference between their age and the LE on this planet. (0).
  • Determine the user's difference in LE and current age on Mars as nothing.

    • Input: users age (38).
    • Output: Difference between their age and the LE on this planet. (0).
  • Determine the user's difference in LE and current age on Jupiter as nothing.

    • Input: users age (6).
    • Output: Difference between their age and the LE on this planet. (0).

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone this repo by selecting the "clone or download" button. This will allow you to copy the repo's link.
  • While on the command line in your terminal, enter "git clone" followed by the copied url.
  • Enter "ls" to show a list of files and documents. One of them will be labeled "friday_project5. Use "cd" followed by the project directory name to navigate there.
  • While in project directory, open the contents of the directory, or use "code ." to enable the shortcut to open in Visual Studio Code.

Known Bugs


Support and contact details

Antonio Cruz's email:

Technologies Used

  • Markdown
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • Git
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Jest
  • Webpack
  • EsLint


The MIT license

Copyright (c) 2020 Antonio Cruz