Currency Exchanger

This is a running webpage, as of 04/24/20.

By Antonio Cruz


This is an application that allows a user to convert their U.S. currency into several other kinds of currency.

SPEC Sheet

  • User enters a U.S. dollar amount to be converted to AED.

    • Input: 55
    • Output: 201.9655
  • User enters a U.S. dollar amount to be converted to BSD.

    • Input: 55
    • Output: 55
  • User enters a U.S. dollar amount to be converted to CAD.

    • Input: 55
    • Output: 77.6435
  • User enters a U.S. dollar amount to be converted to CLP.

    • Input: 55
    • Output: 47172.1855
  • User enters a U.S. dollar amount to be converted to COP.

    • Input: 55
    • Output: 224324.045

Setup/Installation Requirements

If you would like to view this project locally... :

  1. Visit this link

  2. Clone this repo by selecting the "clone or download" button. This will allow you to copy the repo's link.

  3. While on the command line in your terminal, enter "git clone" followed by the copied url.

  4. Enter "ls" to show a list of files and documents. One of them will be labeled "ruby-friday_project4. Use "cd" followed by the project directory name to navigate there.

  5. While in project directory, open the contents of the directory, or use "code ." to enable the shortcut to open in Visual Studio Code.

  6. When the project opens, drag the file named "index.html" to your preferred browser to view and use the webpage!

Known Bugs


Support and contact details

Antonio Cruz's email:

Technologies Used

  • Markdown
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • Git
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Jest
  • Webpack
  • EsLint


The MIT license

Copyright (c) 2020 Antonio Cruz