
Tiny WiFi Server based on ESP8266 microcontoller to control both LED (red and blue) assembled on AMICA NodeMCU Board

Primary LanguageC++


Tiny WiFi Server based on ESP8266 microcontoller to control both LED (red and blue) assembled on AMICA NodeMCU Board

1 - HTML Chapter

  • Step 1.1: Create your index.html file... See Hackable #24
  • Step 1.2: Create your styles.css file... See Punch CSS3 button
  • Step 1.3: Create your code.js file... It's not mandatory!

2 - Arduino Chapter

  • Step 2.1: In Arduino IDE, Open and Copy following example ESP8266WiFi > WiFiAccessPoint
  • Step 2.2: Add your expected HTML page source
  • Step 2.3: Upload your Arduino code... It's too long to flash ESP8266!