
Side project where I scrapped most of the Instagram's directory for userHandle, postCount, followerCount and followingCount

Primary LanguagePython

Instagram - Webscraper

On seeing this very particular link (pasted on the repo), I was curious to scrape them data and see what was it all about. The page opened to 100 other page and each one to 10 other pages with 25 x 5 = 125 accounts. That totals upto 125k accounts present in this peculiar indexing.

The scrapper.py scrapped all them accounts and stored in a CSV which then was accessed by main.py to hit the accounts and get the basic profile details such as postCount, followerCount and followingCount.

alt text Above is the screenshot of the terminal with the preview of the scrapped data

My calculations told me that the entire computation will take 15 hours. So I had to kill it after scrapping ~500 accounts. I dont have that much time.

Viv: The final aim is to eventually access the follower and following name list for each individual. Process could be sped up using spider splits.