
Submit your one minute pitches and other users will vote and comment on them

Primary LanguagePython

One Minute Pitch

One MInute Pitch app created as an Independent Project on 07/09/2018

Author: Tony Kioko


One minute pitch is a web application that allows users to view various pitches posted by others. The application helps users to:

  • Submit a pitch in any category.
  • See the pitches other people have posted.
  • To vote on the pitch they liked and give it a downvote or upvote.
  • To comment on the different pitches and leave feedback.
  • Receive a welcoming email once signed up.


Behaviour Input Output
Create user account Click Sign Up button Form to capture user details
Welcome email On sign Up sends welcome email to new user
Display pitches On the Home page Pitches posted by users displayed per category
Post Pitch Login, Select category then Pitch Pitch created
Comment on Pitch Click comment on Pitch Comment created for that specific pitch
Upvote or downvote click upvote/downvote Pitch upvotes or downvotes increases

Setup/Installation Requirements.

  • Git clone https://github.com/TonyKioko/Pitches or download and unzip the repository from github.
  • Have python3.6 installed in your machine
  • Navigate into cloned file using the terminal.
  • Run python3.6 -m venv --without-pip virtual to create a virtual environment.
  • Run source virtual/bin/activate to activate the above created virtual environment.
  • To run the app, type ./start.sh from your virtual environment on the terminal. In your favorite browser, open the link provided by the local host.

Live Link


Technologies used

  • Python 3.6
  • Flask
  • Bootstrap

Test Driven Development

  • Testing was done using python inbuild test tool called unittest

Known Bugs

There are no known bugs.


This project is licensed under the MIT Open Source license,Copyright (c) 2018 Tony Kioko