
Make post to social networks

Primary LanguagePython

Social networks group posting

This script can help to make a post to VK group, Facebook group and to Telegram Channel.
To start the scrip you'll have to type in console:
$python main.py picture_path text
As you can see it takes two arguments: picture_path and text.
But before that you have to set up all the things as below.

setting up .env variables:

You will have to set your environment variables up with .env file where you going to store all your relevant infomation as in example below.

You can use Notepad++ to create this file for Windows, or CotEditor for MacOS.

About VK Service Token
About telegram
About Facebook

This is an example of how it looks like inside of your .env file.
VK_GROUP_ID=Vk Group id



Variables has to be with CAPITAL letters and without any spaces at all!

How to install:

Python3 should be already installed. Then use pip (or pip3, if there is a conflict with Python2) to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Project Goal:

To make life easier.