
Fetches images from Hubble and SpaceX API and posts them to the instagram

Primary LanguagePython

Space Instagram

Here you can find functions to fetch images from Hubble and Spacex websites using their API and post them to the instagram automatically.


This file is ready for use. By default it will download the picture with ID number 1 to the project file path which is "Instagram_auto_posting/Space Pictures/" and then it will thumbnail that picture to fit Instagram. If you want the another picture , simply just change the ID number.

FOLDER_PATH = 'Instagram_auto_posting/Space Pictures/' 

You can also find some more useful information by going to the Official Hubble API documentation.
As well as some more useful information can be found over here.


This file basically does the same thing as a fetch_hubble.py But instead of image_id, it takes launch_number as an argument. It can also take "latest" as an argument instead of number and it will get you the latest launch pictures. So by default this file will get you the latest launch pictures to the same project path "Instagram_auto_posting/Space Pictures/"

This is how will they appear in your folder
SpaceX_flight pic 1.jpg
SpaceX_flight pic 2.jpg
SpaceX_flight pic 3.jpg
SpaceX_flight pic 4.jpg
SpaceX_flight pic 5.jpg

So the main difference between fetch_hubble.py and fetch_spacex.py is their API functionality. fetch_hubble.py gives you only the one picture by its id and fetch_spacex.py gives you a set of pictures related to the particular launch.

Here is API documentation
And here is Github SpaceX API repository


This function takes folder_path as an argument. So in this case it going to take pictures from the project folder Instagram_auto_posting/Space Pictures/ and going to post them to your instagram one by one.

setting up .env variables

You will have to set your environment variables up, with .env file where you going to store your PASSWORD AND USERNAME.

You can use Notepad++ to create this file for Windows, or CotEditor for MacOS.

This is an example of how it looks like inside of your .env file.

(You can choose your own variable names if you want)


Variables has to be with CAPITAL letters and without any spaces at all!

More details about the Instagram Bot you can find Here - Documentation for Developers
and Here - Github repository

How to install

Python3 should be already installed. Then use pip (or pip3, if there is a conflict with Python2) to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Project Goals

To make life easier