Languages Used: React, AJAX + JavaScript
CSS: React Bootstrap + custom CSS
Framework: Express, Node.js
Database: MongoDB Atlas, Mongoose
Authentication JWT
Here is my project Trello Board, which includes my ERD and wireframes.
Sakkaa Boudo Project Board and Resources
Full disclosure - this is not the application I had originally envisioned.
This app was a compromise once I realized that my original concept was doomed within the alotted timeframe.
I wanted to create an app where users can create a dashboard to view information on their favourite clubs across all competitions in one place. Users would be able to add clubs to a personalized list where they will be able to easily view clubs' upcoming fixtures.
Upon realizing that I did not have the current working ability to make the app I envisioned within the specified timeframe, I had to make decisions about my minimum viable product. Without access to an API, I would have needed to hardcode/seed the database with all of the information to make the app which would have been time consuming and out of scope. The next option was to simply CRUD something like players or clubs, but an app where people come and meaninglessly create resources didn't seem very functional. With that in mind, I made the decision to pivot and have my MVP be a message board where I could CRUD user discussions on soccer. This was originally meant to be a secondary feature, but I am of the opinion that it is atleast functional whereas any of the other outcomes were going to be meaningless.
My icebox is ultimately to continue my learning so that I am able to deliver the products I envision within a tight deadline.