A combined frame and 4in1 brushless ESC running BLHeli_s with 16mm hole spacing.
Derived from the excelent tinyPEPPER project by http://fishpepper.de As such I have also used the fishpepper KiCad resources - kicad_misc
Until I write a proper build guide the tinyPEPPER v0.5 build guide will be the best reference.
Key features:
- Frame integrated ESC reduces stack height
- 83mm motor-to-motor frame size suits BR1103b motors
- 16x16mm hole-to-hole spacing for FC
- BLHeli_S with DSHOT300
- 1S only
This work is published under the CERN open hardware license v1.2. Feel free to use the design - but make sure to give proper credit and release all modifications under the same license!
This comes with NO warranty, build and fly at your own risk!