Assuming q1.csv, q2.csv, q3.csv are stored in ./data/
requirement.txt is generated from colab directly for question 3 only
Running on google cloud platform VM instance Machine type: n1-highmem-2 (2 vCPUs, 13 GB memory) Image: ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20200317 Postgresql version: psql (PostgreSQL) 9.5.21
Install and start PostgreSQL
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo -i -u postgres
Create Table and Load csv
CREATE TABLE transaction_detail ( transaction_id varchar(60), rfid varchar(18), type_detail varchar(10), transaction_date timestamp);
\copy transaction_detail FROM '/home/data/q1.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
The question is ambigious on whether "LABEL" or "ITEM CODE" is to be counted. I decided to count ITEM CODE because the customers cant buy the items if their suitable sizes are not available.
pandas version = '0.25.0' python version = 3.7.1
The ipynb is developed on google colab. Created a folder "data" and q3.csv is upload to "./data"
The ipynb contains two models
Foresting the turnover for each store in year 2020 before the start of 2020
Foresting the turnover for each store x days before
Catboost is chosen because there are many categorical features and catboost is a fast, convenient, and performant model to deal with them.