
This project was designed to fetch the data of imdb website by using scrapy.

Primary LanguagePython


I build this imdb-scrapy project to crawl some format imdb data basing on the scrapy framework, and the result report will be sent to specific email automatically.

1. Background

This project is designed to statisfy the need for crawling imdb websites data automatically, such as the Upcoming Releases, Most Popular Movies, Custom Movies Urls List and so on.


  1. imdb-Upcoming Releases for United States
  2. imdb-Most Popular Movies

2. Install

cd /Path/To/imdb-scrapy
# start the watch serve
sh spy.sh
# auto deploy
crontab -e
# imdb scrapy
0 8 * * * cd /Path/To/imdbSpider;/bin/sh /Path/To/run.sh > /Path/To/imdbSpider/log/crontab-log.txt

3. Usage

There are three main requirements for the imdb-scrapy project:

  1. Auto crawling the favourite or new imdb data at the specific date.
  2. Auto crawling the imdb movie data on the imdb-url-list.
  3. Send the report of result to the email of user.

3.1 Crawl the favourite and new imdb data

To satisfy the need of crawling favourite and new imdb data, the user only need to focus on the run.sh.

Users need to modify the run.sh based on specified requirements.

## run.sh ##
# execute the "new" and "favourite" crawling
python -m scrapy crawl new
python -m scrapy crawl favourite

# transport the report
scp data/new.csv data/favourite.csv Serve:Path

# Send the report to user by email
To be continued

crontab is used to run the code at the specified time. The example code sets the 8 o'clock as the specified time, which can be modified by crontab -e

# imdb-scrapy crontab profile
0 8 * * * cd /home/apps/wj/stream-media-pump/imdbSpider;/bin/sh /home/apps/wj/stream-media-pump/imdbSpider/run.sh > /home/apps/wj/stream-media-pump/imdbSpider/crontab-log.txt

3.2 Crawl the imdb-url-list data automatically

User only need to focus on using scp to update specific imdb-url-list file to user's server.

The imdb-url-list file format is as follows:



# scp上传代码
scp [path to imdb-url-list] user@server-ip:server-path-to-project

# 样例
scp /Users/Mars/imdb-scray/imdb-url-list mars@server-ip:server-path-to-project

3.3 Email

To be continued...

4. Scrapy Framework

There are three spiders,which are "list","favourite" and "new".


  • Build The Basic Project (22.04.22 ~ 22.04.24)
  • Write The Project README (22.04.22 ~ 22.04.24)
  • Expand The Project (22.04.22 ~ 22.04.28)
  • Perfect The imdb-scrapy Repositories (22.04.22 ~ 22.05.04)
  • Format The Output Data Saving Path(22.05.04~)


1. Mars' Blog

2. 初窥Scrapy

3. imdb官网