
Android library to provide TOP (or BOTTOM) toast functionality. Write in Kotlin.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Library allows to show top toast (like Snackbar view).


Simple toast Custom colors Bottom gravity
Above status bar Custom view Custom layoutId


Use Kotlin DSL to create TopToast instance:

val topToast {
            removeOnSwipe = TopToast.TOASTSWIPE.TOP
            context = this@MainActivity
            showAboveStatusBar = false

To show toast use topToast.showTopToas(), to remove - toast.removeTopToast()

Full parameters:

val toast = topToast {
	    toastGravity = TopToast.TOASTGRAVITY.BOTTOM
            removeOnSwipe = TopToast.TOASTSWIPE.TOP
            context = this@MainActivity
            showAboveStatusBar = true
            viewSettings {
	    			duration = 3000L
	    			type = TOAST_TYPE.DEFAULT
				//gonna be ignored
				textColor = Color.RED
				//gonna be ignored
				backgroundColor = Color.BLACK
				//gonna be ignored
				textToShow = "text"
				//gonna be ignored
				layoutId = R.layout.my_awesome_toast
				//gonna be used (max priority)
                customView = custom


  1. duration - duration of toast before autoremove, set to TopToast.NO_AUTO_REMOVE to disable autoremove
  2. toastGravity - gravity on screen (TopToast.TOASTGRAVITY.TOP or TopToast.TOASTGRAVITY.BOTTOM)
  3. context - activity context
  4. showAboveStatusBar - should toast cover status bar or not (for 6+ devices toast DOES NOT cover status bar icons)
  5. removeOnSwipe - swipe direction to remove toast from screen. LEFT, TOP, BOTTOM, RIGHT are supported. If TopToast.TOASTSWIPE.NONE(default value) selected - swipe not working, if TopToast.TOASTSWIPE.ANY selected - swipe detect any direction (left, top, bottom, right)
  6. viewSettings - toast view settings 6.1 textColor - default text color (WHITE) 6.2 backgroundColor - default bg color (RED) 6.3 textToShow - text to show 6.4 layoutId - layout resource id. 6.5 customView - custom View.


Now viewSettings contains parameter type of type TOAS_TYPE. Possible values - DEFAULT, CUSTOM_VIEW, CUSTOM_VIEW_ID. If DEFAULT is set - layoutId and customView gonna be IGNORED. If layoutId or customView are set, specify a appropriate type (default value is DEFAULT).