Repository providing the source code for the paper "Learning kinematic feasibility through reinforcement learning", see the project website. Please cite the paper as follows:
title={Learning Kinematic Feasibility for Mobile Manipulation through Deep Reinforcement Learning},
author={Daniel Honerkamp and Tim Welschehold and Abhinav Valada},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.05325},
Easiest way to get started is to pull the docker image
docker pull dhonerkamp/kinematic-feasibility-rl:latest
The current implementation relies on the Weights And Biases library for logging.
So create a python3 environment with wandb (free account required) and run wandb login
to login to your account.
Alternatively first run wandb disabled
in your shell to run it without an account and without logging any results
(evaluations still get printed to stdout).
The following commands also assume that you have docker installed, and to use a CUDA-capable GPUs also the nvidia-docker driver. To only use the CPU remove the --gpus
To train a model simply run the following command. Currently we provide environments for the PR2, Tiago and HSR (for the HSR please read the note below)
env=pr2 # all lower-case
wandb docker-run --rm --gpus=all -e ROBOT=$env -e STARTUP=$env dhonerkamp/kinematic-feasibility-rl:latest bash "python scripts/ --load_best_defaults --env $env"
We provide trained model checkpoints for each of the robots in scipts/model_checkpoints
. To evaluate them add the following flags
--start_launchfiles_no_controllers=no --vis_env --evaluation_only --restore_model
To evaluate a previous run after you have logged it with wandb replace --restore_model
with --resume_id=${wandb_id}
(The --start_launchfiles_no_controllers=yes
flag allows to train faster by not running Gazebo in the background, but is required for evaluations in Gazebo,
publishes all rviz markers).
The HSR environment relies on packages that are part of the proprietory HSR simulator. If you have an HSR account with Toyota, please follow these steps to use the environment. Otherwise ignore this section to use the other environments we provide.
Check the commented out parts in the
section as well as the building of the workspace further below in theDockerfile
to install the requirements. -
Comment in the following lines in
:add_library(dynamic_system_hsr src/dynamic_system_hsr.cpp) target_link_libraries(dynamic_system_hsr modulation modulation_ellipses utils ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
and add them to
two lines below that. -
Comment in the hsr parts in
and the import of HSREnv inscripts/modulation/envs/
to create the python bindings -
Now either build the Dockerfile or rebuild a local workspace (we recommend to use separate catkin workspaces for each robot)
Tasks are implemented as environment wrappers in scripts/modulation/envs/
To generate end-effector motions we provide both the linearPlanner
using a dynamic linear system and the GMMPlanner
using an imitation learning approach used in the paper. Both are implemented in C++.
To construct a new task add a new wrapper to
, add it's name to the --task
in scripts/modulation/
and define how to construct it in scripts/modulation/envs/
To use different end-effector motions check the planners mentioned above.
For development or qualitative inspection of the behaviours in rviz or gazebo it can be easier to install the setup locally.
The following illustrates the main steps to do this for the PR2.
As the different robots come with different ROS dependencies, please use the Dockerfile
as the full guide to install them.
The repository consists of two main parts: a training environment written in C++ and connected to python through bindings and the RL agents written in python3.
As not all ROS packages work with python3, the setup relies on running the robot-specific packages in a python2 environment and our package in a python3 environment. The environment was tested for Ubunto 18.04 and ROS melodic.
Install the appropriate version for your system (full install recommended):
Install the corresponding catkin package for python bindings
sudo apt install ros-[version]-pybind11-catkin
Install moveit and the pr2
sudo apt-get install ros-[version]-moveit
sudo apt-get install ros-[version]-pr2-simulator
sudo apt-get install ros-[version]-moveit-pr2
If interested in the geometric baseline, also install libgp:
Create a catkin workspace (ideally a separate one for each robot)
mkdir ~/catkin_ws
cd catkin_ws
Fork the repo and clone into ./src
cd src
git clone [url] src/modulation_rl
Create a python environment. We recommend using conda, which requires to first install Anaconda or Miniconda. Then do
conda env create -f src/modulation_rl/environment.yml
conda activate modulation_rl
Configure the workspace it to use your environment's python3 (adjust path according to your version)
catkin config -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/opt/conda/bin/python -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/conda/include/python3.7m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/opt/conda/lib/
Build the workspace
catkin build
Each new build of the ROS / C++package requires a
source devel/setup.bash
To be able to visualise install rviz
For more details and how to install the ROS requirements for the other robots please check the Dockerfile
. It also contains further details to packages you might need to build from source.
start a roscore
start gazebo with the pr2 robot
roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2_empty_world.launch
start moveit
roslaunch pr2_moveit_config move_group.launch
Run the main script
python src/modulation_rl/scripts/
[Only to visualise] start rviz:
rviz -d src/modulation_rl/rviz_config[_tiago_hsr].config
- Library conflicts: error message either around
cv2 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work
: Solution: rename cv2 installed by ROS:
This work was partly funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 871449-OpenDR and a research grant from the Eva Mayr-Stihl Stiftung.