
CSS engine for `blessed`

Primary LanguageTypeScript


CSS engine for blessed

Build Status

#background {
  bg: blue;

box {
  fg: black;
  bg: white;

box:border {
  fg: magenta;

What works?

  • Inheriting styles from parent components
  • Node names (box, form, button, etc.)
  • ID names (#background)
  • Class names (.dialog)
  • Attribute selectors ([draggable], [shadow], etc.)
  • Pseudo selectors (:border, :focus, :hover, :scrollbar, etc.)


const blessed = require('blessed')
const css = require('blessed-css')

const style = css(`
  #background {
    bg: blue;

  .dialog {
    fg: black;
    bg: white;

  .dialog:border {
    fg: magenta;

const screen = blessed.screen({
  smartCSR: true

const background = blessed.box({
  parent: screen,
  id: 'background'

// Style the `box#background` according to the CSS rules

const box = blessed.box({
  parent: screen,
  className: 'dialog',
  top: 'center',
  left: 'center',
  width: '60%',
  height: '55%',
  content: 'Hello world!',
  border: 'line',
  shadow: true

// Style the `box.dialog` according to the CSS rules

screen.key(['escape', 'q', 'C-c'], (ch, key) => process.exit(0))
