- 0
add arm64 to speaker/deps/mpg123/config/linux
#184 opened by WeihuaGu - 1
- 0
- 6
Raspberry Pi 4 (Debian) node-gyp build fails
#176 opened by iQuickDev - 0
issues in installing node-speaker
#179 opened by tanusri9494 - 3
Cannot install Speaker node-gyp
#114 opened by imorvai - 2
Installation Error om mac M2
#177 opened by kamalkech - 3
Crashes when using in electron app
#164 opened by blackus3r - 1
Trouble installing with M2 chip for Mac
#174 opened by vanilladucky - 6
Support M1 macOS
#172 opened by vjpr - 0
npm install error
#175 opened by nemson-source - 1
Change audio output device on Win32 Backend
#162 opened by ssarpv - 1
Mac OS install error
#156 opened by qiyaozu - 2
Need help for a setup
#173 opened by ScreamZ - 7
Stop Audio Instantly
#108 opened by akashbudhia - 3
Does not compile on ubuntu
#140 opened by MoffKalast - 2
Can't install: mpg123_cpu not defined
#171 opened by carter293 - 3
Does Not Work With Node.js 15+
#163 opened by hellometa - 5
- 2
- 0
Noise at the beginning of playback
#161 opened by OnkelTem - 2
Cannot use this module from TypeScript
#159 opened by OnkelTem - 1
mmap() failed on Raspberry Pi
#124 opened by JasXSL - 0
"binding.node" is not a valid Win32 appliaction
#158 opened by kiawildberger - 0
- 0
Failed to install with another backend on Linux
#157 opened by xRealNeon - 1
Unable to change samples per frame
#118 opened by jfalameda - 3
Install fails (node-gyp) under Win10 x64
#143 opened by Zireael - 1
Memory Leak
#155 opened by boedy - 8
Selecting devices under windows
#147 opened by Xeonzinc - 3
Typescript export errors
#142 opened by SoTrxII - 0
TypeScript missing "device" option
#149 opened by ncpleslie - 2
Pipe PCMData from variable?
#146 opened by ughstudios - 8
- 1
Won't build on Android Termux
#145 opened by GameKyuubi - 1
Illegal instruction: 4
#130 opened by zombiecong - 1
- 12
crash on windows 10, node 10
#131 opened by checksummaster - 0
Audible glitches - openal backend - MacOS
#138 opened by boedy - 2
unable to npm install the package
#134 opened by lid3rs - 0
node-gyp rebuild failed!
#106 opened - 0
- 1
Heap Corruption on Windows
#117 opened by killerDJO - 2
- 0
Default example fails
#129 opened by asaphaaning - 2
Crashes after playing audio on Electron
#116 opened - 2
Best way to play multiple input streams
#115 opened by mhammerc - 8
Question unsure to ask where
#113 opened by Mmalherbe - 0
Mobile platform support
#112 opened by benwiley4000 - 0
node-gyp build fail on heroku
#100 opened by stephensong