

The Auditor Toolbox essential goal is to pack all the essential auditor tools into a single Docker Image!

Our beta version is up and running! I'm keen on keeping it fresh with the latest tools and versions. Got suggestions or updates? Don't hesitate to reach out or pitch in your ideas!


  1. Auditor Toolbox Setup
  2. Auditor Toolbox for Ethereum Smart Contracts
  3. Troubleshooting

Basic build

Clone the repo and cd into it

git clone && \
cd auditor-docker

Then, within the directory where the Dockerfile is

docker build -t whitehat-machine .  

Then just run

docker run -it whitehat-machine 

Share a directory

To run the current directory inside the docker machine launch a command like this one

docker run -it -v "$PWD":/code whitehat-machine

Now, at the docker machine, a directory called /code will include the current directory from parent operating system.

One-line command

The fast command to install the machine is

rm -rf auditor-docker && \
git clone && \
cd auditor-docker && \
docker build -t whitehat-machine . && \
docker run -it -d --name devops199 whitehat-machine

NOTE: This command uses -d to run the docker machine in the background, with the objective of using the VSCode docker extension. After installing the extension, run the command palette and type Attach to running container.... This command will attach the instance of the machine to the VSCode instance.

To relaunch the docker instance

Run docker start with the name of your instance. If the one-line command was used, this will be

docker start devops199

To increase maximum stack size (i.e. to use manticore)

docker run -it --ulimit stack=100000000:100000000 -d --name devops199 whitehat-machine 


The default password:


Auditor Toolbox for Ethereum Smart Contracts

Easily deploy an auditing environment for Ethereum smart contracts using this Docker image.

Quick Start

Execute the add2 command:


Select the option you want to install and voila, you're all set!


Base Setup:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu Jammy (22.04)
  • Utilities: Git, Curl/wget, gawk/ripgrep, z3, pandoc, openssh-client, texlive, solidity plugins for Vim, etc.

Languages & Frameworks:

  • Python: Version 3.9
  • Rust: Comprehensive setup with Cargo
  • Julia: Built-in support.
  • Noir: Support for the Noir language (Nargo).
  • Circom: Framework for zkSNARK circuits.

Ethereum Development:

A set of most of the famous tools in the ecosystem by different authors.

  • Ethereum dependencies.
  • Foundry as modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust. It includes: Forge, Anvil, Cast, and Chisel. Author Paradigm.
  • Halmos for Symbolic Bounded Model Checker for Ethereum Smart Contracts Bytecode. Author a16z.
  • Heimdall for advanced EVM smart contract toolkit specialized in bytecode analysis. Author Jon-Becker.
  • Slither, Echidna, Medusa Fuzzer, Manticore, and Etheno, solc-select and crytic compile. Author Trail of Bits.
  • Extra Slither detectors, specialized detectors for Slither. Author
  • Prover tool for symbolic analysis. Author Certora.
  • Mythril for smart contract analysis. Author Consensys.
  • Spearbit Report Generator, all needed dependencies to use the report generator in Spearbit audits
  • Python developer kit: It includes Vyper, Ape-Vyper, Py-solc-x and pyevwasm, can be found in add2

Node.js Development:

  • NVM: Node Version Manager to switch between different Node.js versions.
  • Node: Long Term Support (LTS) version.
  • Package Managers: npm, yarn, and pnpm.

For more info go to the table with all the features or to the references page in the wiki, where all the links to the packages are included.

Additionally, the image sets up an environment for a user named whitehat and includes several installer scripts to simplify the installation of various tools and libraries.


The toolbox includes scripts to fast install multiple packages, utilities or dependencies that maybe not all auditors but a considerable part may use. To launch the install script:




It also includes a script to update the scripts and templates folder with the latest version of this github:


Also, it includes a script to create issues fastly without leaving the docker enviornment. Example:

issue c4 -n UncheckedTransfer -vim

That would create an issue with the Code4rena template, with name UncheckedTransfer and it is opened at the end using vim. For more info run issue -h


Parent system out of time

Issue: Exit code 100

Breaks: on building, not even 2 seconds

ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apt-get update &&     DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends     build-essential     curl     git     vim     nano     z3     libz3-dev     ripgrep     gawk     libssl-dev     sudo     wget     software-properties-common     libudev-dev     locales     gpg-agent     dialog     procps     file     pandoc     texlive     ca-certificates &&     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*" did not complete successfully: exit code: 100

Launch the next command to sync your time with the Google server and build again

sudo date -s "$(curl -s --head | grep ^Date: | sed 's/Date: //g')"

code not working

Issue: code command not found

Breaks: on use. Doesn't recognize code

Solution 1: Sometimes work

Use this command to append to the file .bashrc an alias to find the vscode code command

echo "VSCODE_SSH_BIN=$(echo "$BROWSER" | sed -e 's/\/helpers\/')
alias code='$VSCODE_SSH_BIN/remote-cli/code'" >> ~/.bashrc 

Then source it

source ~/.bashrc 

Solution 2

This was pretty more annoying, but totally worked

  • Step 1: Inside the docker machine, remove the /.vscode-server. Run:
rm -r ~/.vscode-server # you can also run mv ~/.vscode-server ~/.backup-vscode-server
  • Step 2: Outside the docker machine, shutdown wsl what is linked with docker, run:
wsl --shutdown

This will first make docker desktop look like there are no instances of the machines, but after restarting docker desktop, it will show them again.

  • Step 3: Restart docker desktop (in case you are using it)
  • Step 4: Newly launch the command palette and attach the docker image from vscode and enjoy having code ready again :P