
ℹ️ Information
This repository contains the connector and configuration code only. The implementer is responsible to acquire the connection details such as username, password, certificate, etc. You might even need to sign a contract or agreement with the supplier before implementing this connector. Please contact the client's application manager to coordinate the connector requirements.

Function for getting available number is currently too fast, resulting in the same value for multiple people. Please use with care, this needs some configuration

This is a work in progress

The 'HelloID-Conn-Target-SkypeForBusiness' connector uses a _Skype For Business On-Premise' installation. This means the connector also needs to be executed 'on-premises'. Make sure you have 'Windows PowerShell 5.1' installed on the server where the 'HelloID agent and provisioning agent' are running, and that the 'Execute on-premises' switch is toggled.


The connector is not yet tested on a SkypeForBusiness implementation. Therefore, changes might have to made within source code.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Prerequisites
  • Setup the connector


  • Windows PowerShell 5.1 installed on the server where the 'HelloID agent and provisioning agent' are running
  • PowerShell remoting / WinRM is enabled on the server where SkypeForBusiness is installed
  • Make sure that Use account data from other systems on the 'Account' tab is configured to use 'Microsoft Active Directory'

AD image-1 - ad

Supported PowerShell versions

Currently the connector only supports 'Windows PowerShell 5.1'

To make sure that 'remoting' is enabled

  1. Open a new PowerShell console
  2. Execute the code pasted below:
Test-WSMan -ComputerName __ServerName__

Is remoting is enabled, you should receive an output similiar as in the image below. (image-2 - wsman)

wsman image-2 - wsman

When you receive an error message, PSremoting is not properply configured.

Configure PSSremoting by GroupPolicy

  1. Enable the WinRM service. Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Remote Management (WinRM) -> WinRM Service -> Allow remote server management through WinRM

  2. Make sure the WSMan service will be started automatically Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> System Services -> Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)

  3. Allow 'WinRM' in the Firewall configuration

    a. Create a new Predefined inbound rule b. Select 'Windows Remote Management' from the dropdown list

Setup the connector

  1. Make sure all the prerequisites are met

  2. Add a new 'Target System' to HelloID and make sure to import all the necessary files.

    • configuration.json
    • disable.ps1
    • enable.ps1
  3. Fill in the required fields on the 'Configuration' tab.


The 'Enable.ps1' has a few options that require input from the customer.

Set-CsUser -Identity $Using:account.userPrincipalName -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $Using:connectionSettings.EnterpriseVoiceEnabled -ExchangeArchivingPolicy $Using:connectionSettings.ExchangeArchivingPolicy -LineURI $LineUrl -ErrorAction Stop

Grant-CsDialPlan -Identity $Using:account.userPrincipalName -PolicyName ''  -ErrorAction Stop
Grant-CsVoicePolicy -Identity $Using:account.userPrincipalName -PolicyName ''  -ErrorAction Stop

Grant-CsExternalAccessPolicy -Identity $Using:account.userPrincipalName -PolicyName '' -ErrorAction Stop
  • Enable-CSUser -SipAddress
  • Set-CSUser -LineURI
  • Set-CSDialPlan -PolicyName
  • Set-CSVoidePolicy -PolicyName
  • Grant-CSExternalAccessPolicyName

For the above cmdlets, input is required from the customer.

HelloID Docs

The official HelloID documentation can be found at: https://docs.helloid.com/