With this HelloID Service Automation Delegated Form you can add mapping rules to a CSV for Nedap. The CSV contains rules in which AFAS Organisational Units are mapped to Nedap Locations. The following options are available:
- Select the mapping rule
- Change the mapped Nedap locations
- Confirm the changes
Version | Description | Date |
1.0.1 | Added version number and updated all-in-one script | 2021/11/04 |
1.0.0 | Initial release | 2021/09/28 |
- Description
- All-in-one PowerShell setup script
- Pre-setup configuration
- Post-setup configuration
- Manual resources
The PowerShell script "createform.ps1" contains a complete PowerShell script using the HelloID API to create the complete Form including user defined variables, tasks and data sources.
Please note that this script asumes none of the required resources do exists within HelloID. The script does not contain versioning or source control
Please follow the documentation steps on HelloID Docs in order to setup and run the All-in one Powershell Script in your own environment.
These forms can only be used when Nedap ONS user provisioning is provided by HelloID provisioning and AFAS is your sourcesystem. Therefore it is also necessary that the files in which the organisational units are mapped with the locations and the teams are available on the server. These mapping files can be found in the HelloID-Conn-Prov-Target-NedapONS-Users.
Be aware that using Service Automation forms can have an impact on the licenses and impact the pay-as-you-go subscriptions!
AFAS as a sourcesystem within HelloID provisioning |
Nedap ONS users as a targetsystem within HelloID provisioning |
HelloID Service Automation license |
After the all-in-one PowerShell script has run and created all the required resources. The following items need to be configured according to your own environment
- Update the following user defined variables
Variable name | Example value | Description |
NedapOnsConnectionUrl | https://api-staging.ons.io | Nedap Environment URL |
NedapOnsCertificatePassword | ******** | Nedap Certificate Password |
NedapOnsCertificatePFX | c:/folder/certificate.pfx | Full path of the Nedap certificate on the HelloID agent server |
NedapOnsLocationsMappingPath | c:/folder/oucode_locationid.csv | Full path of the Organisational Unit - Nedap Locations mapping file |
AfasBaseUri | https://.rest.afas.online/profitrestservices | AFAS Environment URL |
AfasToken | ******** | AFAS Environment Tokencode |
This Delegated Form uses the following resources in order to run
This Powershell data source retrieves the configured mapping rules from the configured mapping file with corresponding AFAS organisational units and Nedap ONS locations.
This Powershell data source retrieves the available Nedap ONS locations from the configured environment.
PowerShell data source '[powershell-datasource]_Nedap-ons-csv-nedap-locations-location-rules-mapped'
This Powershell data source retrieves the mapped Nedap ONS locations the configured mapping file.
This delegated form task will modify the selected rule to the configured mapping file. Effectively it deletes the selected rule and adds a new rule.
If you need help, feel free to ask questions on our forum
The official HelloID documentation can be found at: https://docs.helloid.com/