

  • Pre-defined variables: JiraUserName, JiraPassword and JiraBaseUrl created in your HelloID portal.


This code snippet executes the following tasks:

  1. Define a hash table $formObject. The keys of the hash table represent the properties necessary to create a user while the values represent the values entered in the form.

To view an example of the form output, please refer to the JSON code pasted below.

    "displayName": "John Doe",
    "emailAddress": "JDoe@example",
    "name": "JohnDoe",
    "notification": false

❗ It is important to note that the names of your form fields might differ. Ensure that the $formObject hashtable is appropriately adjusted to match your form fields. See the Jira API documentation

  1. Create a new user using the: Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet. The hash table called: $formObject is passed to the body of the: Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet as a JSON object.