
HelloID - Send email message using SMTP

Primary LanguagePowerShell



ℹ️ The builtin variables $product, $requester, $request and $manager are used in this snippet.

For an overview of available variables, please refer to: https://docs.helloid.com/en/service-automation/service-automation-variables.html


This code snippet can be used to send an email using the Send-MailMessage cmdlet.

This snippet executes the following tasks:

  1. Define the emailBody object containing the email wrapped in basic HTML.

  2. Define a hash table $splatEmailParams. The keys of the hash table represent the properties of the Write-Information -Tag 'Email' cmdlet, while the values represent the values entered in the hash table. For an overview of available properties, please refer to: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/send-mailmessage?view=powershell-7.3

    ℹ️ Make sure to properly adjust the SmtpServer property according to your environment.

  3. Send the email message. Currently, the email address of the builtin variable $manager is used as recipient.