Weather App


Build a weather application that allows users to search for the current weather conditions of a city, utilizing WeatherAPI service. The project was developed using Next.js, TypeScript, Zustand for state management, Tailwind for styling, and tested with Jest and React Testing Library.

Environment Variables

  • GOOGLE_API_KEY: For getting the autocomplete locations.
  • WEATHER_API_KEY: For fetching weather data.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd weather-app
  3. Install dependencies:

  4. Add environment variables: Create a .env file at the root of the project and add your API keys:

  5. Start the development server:

    yarn dev

    Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


Run the tests using the following command:

yarn test

Technologies Used

  • Next.js & TypeScript: For development.
  • Zustand: State management.
  • Tailwind: Styling.
  • Jest & React Testing Library: Testing.


The app is deployed on Vercel.

Potential Improvements

Here are some potential improvements:

  1. Unit Control:

    • Allow users to select their preferred units for temperature (e.g., Celsius, Fahrenheit), wind speed, and time format (e.g., AM/PM or 24-hour clock).
    • This customization would make the application more user-friendly across different regions and personal preferences.
  2. Customizable Data Display:

    • Provide an option for users to choose the specific weather data they want to view from the available API response.
    • This feature would enable a more personalized and relevant user experience, as they can focus on the information that matters most to them.
  3. Weather Forecast:

    • Extend the application to include well detailed future weather forecasts, providing more comprehensive information for the user.
    • Different views could be implemented, such as hourly or weekly forecasts.
  4. Localization and Internationalization:

    • Implementing localization to support different languages and regions could broaden the application's reach and accessibility.
  5. Enhanced Error Handling and User Feedback:

    • While basic error handling is in place, there could be more robust solutions, providing clear and helpful feedback to the user in various scenarios.
  6. Cypress Integration Testing:

    • Implementing end-to-end testing using Cypress would further ensure the reliability and integrity of the application.
    • These tests would cover entire user journeys and validate that the application behaves as expected in real-world scenarios.