# debug开关 DEBUG=True # 代码目录路径 SYS_PATH="/gw_re_processor" # mongo MONGO_GIZWITS_DATA="mongodb://mongo.gwdev.com:27017/gizwits_data" MONGO_GIZWITS_CORE="mongodb://mongo.gwdev.com:27017/gizwits_core" # rules_engine_api mysql MYSQL_HOST="mysql.gwdev.com" MYSQL_PORT=3306 MYSQL_USER="root" MYSQL_PWD="root" MYSQL_DB="rules_engine" # la连接的m2m M2M_MQ_URL="amqp://guest:guest@m2mprod.gwdev.com:5672/" EXCHANGE="amq.topic" # graylog LOG_GRAYLOG={"level": "INFO", "class": "graypy.GELFRabbitHandler", "url": "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f"} # inner api HOST_GET_BINDING="innerapi.gwdev.com" INNER_API_TOKEN="6a13dd13db814217b987f649aa5763c2" # 监听队列超时时间 LISTEN_TIMEOUT=20
python start.py [options] # celery setting BROKER_URL = "redis://redis:6379/0" CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND="redis://redis:6379/0" # python start.py -h 输出如下 Usage: start.py [options] Options: -h --help Show this screen. --version Show version. --queue= binding queue [default: all] # 可选值:all, alert, fault, online, offline, bind, unbind, data, 其中all表示选中除data外的全部 --product_key= binding product_key [default: *] --only-tmp-consumer start as a tmp consumer # 开启此参数,则无视其他参数所有参数,只启动一个兼容旧sms与phone服务的consumer --only-http-consumer start as a http consumer # 开启此参数,则无视除--only-tmp-consumer外的其他参数所有参数,只启动一个兼容开能私有云回调服务的consumer --only-gdmshttp-consumer start as a gdms_http consumer # 开启此参数,则无视除--only-tmp-consumer, --only-http-consumer外的其他参数所有参数,只启动一个兼容gdms回调服务的consumer --main= set num of main core # 设置当前进程为该核心启动的协程数量, 以下参数用法相似 --sel= set num of sel core --cal= set num of cal core --que= set num of que core --log= set num of log core --tri= set num of log core