
Online Superhero Tracker: Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava

Online Superhero Tracker

A simple Superhero tracker using Spring Boot REST API. Add a superhero and track their civilian save count.


  1. Download, install and run IntelliJ Community Edition
  2. Click "Get from VCS" or File->New->Project From Version Control
  3. Insert the following URL:
  1. Run Application


Use Postman or Window's curl command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET localhost:8080/hello
HTTP method URL Description
GET /hello Greeting message
GET /listAll Return all superheroes as JSON array objects
POST /add Add new superhero JSON object
POST /remove/id Remove superhero with indicated id
POST /update/id Update superhero with id using JSON object
GET /listTop3 Return top 3 superheroes in JSON array object

Superhero JSON object

  "name": "Cookie Monster",
  "heightInCm": 97.0,
  "civilianSaveCount": 0,
  "superPower": "Eating Cookies"