
A basic bamboo client built on meteor.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A basic bamboo client built on meteor.js v0.1: emulate /static/bar_graphs.html on bamboo


Install meteor and packages:

run with meteor:

if you are running Mac, Ubuntu, Debian Centos of Fedora:
    > curl install.meteor.com | /bin/sh
    > git clone http://github.com/meteor/meteor.git
    > cd meteor
    > ./install
    > git clone https://github.com/modilabs/bamboo-meteor-client.git
    > cd /bamboo-meteor-client/bamboo-meteor/
    > meteor
    go to localhost:3000 you'll see

you can also run with node after you compiled the bundle with meteor:

Install node (download from http://nodejs.org)

please see details at http://docs.meteor.com/#deploying


Currently it is deployed at http://bamboo.meteor.com

Please check this testing site for the newest deployment before we migrate it to bamboo site