CT corpora
A directory to collect corpora obtained from textbooks in Category Theory.
The first corpus is Leinster's book "Basic Category Theory". Tom Leinster's book is CC 4.0 BY in the arxiv. Adding both pdf and tex source from https://arxiv.org/format/1612.09375
Harold Simmons book, "An Introduction to Category Theory", version from 2010. license not known, available from https://dl.icdst.org/pdfs/files3/589bdb0ed138159a2b3e5ccb4268a9f9.pdf
See the corpus of TAC (Theory and Applications of Categories) at https://github.com/ToposInstitute/tac-corpus and the nLab corpus (circa 2020) at https://github.com/ToposInstitute/nlab-corpus.
Both the TAC corpus and the nLab can be searched and browsed at Parmesan http://www.jacobcollard.com/parmesan2/