
Dockerized hawkbit

Primary LanguageShell

Run Hawkbit in a Docker Container

Build the Image

You might want to change some values from the default ones used in the configuration files.

Look at the application.properties file and change:

  • Default RabbitMQ username and password (spring.rabbitmq.username, spring.rabbitmq.password) (if different).
  • MariaDB URL, username and password (spring.datasource.url, spring.datasource.username, spring.datasource.password), and the name of the database used.
  • MongoDB URI (spring.data.mongodb).
  • The Hawkbit password and user (hawkbit.server.ui.demo.password, hawkbit.server.ui.demo.user).

The image can take a while to build.

docker build -t hawkbit --force-rm .

Run the Container

Start a MariaDB container as explained in the offial container image documentation.

You need to specify the MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DATABASE values, and those should be reflected in the application.properties file.


When MariaDB is up and running, start the Hawkbit container and link the MariaDB one.

docker run -d -t --name hawkbit --link mariadb:mysql -p 8080:8080 milocasagrande/hawkbit-docker

Once the container is up and running and the application started (in can take ~20 seconds for the application to start), head to http://localhost:8080/UI and login with the Hawkbit username and password configured (by default admin/admin).

To run Hawkbit with a customized properties file, just bind mount your custom application.properties file when running the container:

docker run -d -t --name hawkbit --link mariadb:mysql -v application.properties:/srv/application.properties -p 8080:8080 milocasagrande/hawkbit-docker

You can also bind mount the mongodb database, to store the data outside the container:

docker run -d -t --name hawkbit --link mariadb:mysql -v /srv/hawkbit/mongodb:/data/db -p 8080:8080 milocasagrande/hawkbit-docker

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