
A .Net-wrapper to connect to the storj v3 network.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Codacy Badge Storj.io

A .Net/C#-wrapper for Storj (v3)

This library enables you to connect to the Storj network to upload and retrieve files to the distributed and secure cloud-storage. It is based on uplink-c, the C-bindings provided from Storj-labs to connect to the Storj network.

If you want to help out, check the open issues, create some or open a PR.


Install uplink.NET from NuGet.

Also install the applicable platform-specific library:

See the wiki for details how to use the library.

You may also try the included sample-app for UWP and Android. There you should find additional details on how to use the library.

Build (Windows and Android)

Let's build the Windows- and Android-binaries.


Building everything by yourself is possible on Windows. You'll need the following tools:

  • Git (to get the uplinkc-repository)
  • SWIG (to generate the C#-proxy)
  • Go (to build uplink-c)
  • MSYS2 (used by Go to compile a Windows-DLL) => see here for installation instructions
  • Visual Studio 2017 or higher to compile the uplink.NET-library
  • Android NDK (to build the Android-Release) => install Xamarin with your Visual Studio, start VS, go to Extensions => Android => SDA Manager, Choose Tools and install NDK. Check that your environment variables include "$ANDROID_HOME" and that the path contains no spaces. If it got installed in "C:\Program files (x86)" (default) change the path in the variable to "C:\PROGRA~2...". Otherwise you'll get an "exec: could not find file"-error during build.


The process described here is the way I was successfull so far. It might not be the simplest way or you might be successfull using different compilers, versions, systems and whatever. I'm open to any adjustments, enhancements or proposials. Just let me know!


First you need to pull the latest version of this repository. Open a command prompt, choose a suitable working directory and enter:

git clone https://github.com/topperdel/uplink.net.git

If you want you can adjust the uplinkc-Version to use (the github-tag) by setting the STORJ_VERSION-Parameter within build.bat to the one to use.

Then do

cd \uplink.net

This will start the build-process. During the build it will clone the uplinkc-repository into the above chosen working directory.

Once finished it will open the folder "Build-results" within the explorer and it should contain a storj_uplink.dll (Windows x64), a storj_uplink-x86.dll, a "cs-Files"-Folder and an "Android"-folder (containing the so-files for android with the correct ABI-lib-path).

The files already got copied to the correct locations for the Visual Studio solution.

Build the solution.

Feel good.

Build (Linux) with WSL

Let's build the Linux-binaries.


Building the linux .so-file on Windows is possible with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Currently you need four files from the build-process above for Windows and Android. They are available in my fork of the uplink-c-repo.

First of all make sure that git and go are installed on WSL. Starting with a fresh Debian, this would basically be the list of commands (according to these instructions):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install wget
wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.14.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz (you might find a more current version, but the golang-go-package is NOT working)
sudo tar -xvf go1.14.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz (adjust the version to the one downloaded in the step before)
sudo mv go /usr/local
sudo nano ~/.bashrc

Scroll down and add these to your .bashrc profile:

export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

Save and close the file with "Ctrl + o" and "Ctrl + x". Then update the current session:

source ~/.bashrc

Then install git:

sudo apt-get install git


Clone and build the forked uplink-c-repo:

git clone --branch v1.0.2 https://github.com/topperdel/uplink-c.git
cd uplink-c

Now build the linux .so-file like this:

sh build-linux.sh

The following files are included in the fork of uplink-c. If you needed to change those files you need to update them before calling build-linux.sh. Just for your convenience calling explorer on the current WSL-folder is as easy as this:

explorer.exe .

These files are necessary for building linux (and MacOS/iOS; see above):

  • storj_uplink_second_wrap.c
  • storj_uplink.h
  • custom_metadata_helper.go
  • restrict_scope_helper.go

Copy the generated storj_uplink.so to the runtimes/linux-x64/native-folder under uplink.Net.

Build (MacOS)

For this task you need a Mac (oh Apple, you drive me nuts). The procedure is basically the same as for linux above:

  • install go
  • install git
  • clone the forked uplink-c-repo
  • run the build-command:
sh build-macos-ios.sh

Place the resulting storj_uplink.dylib from the build/macos-folder to the runtimes/osx-x64/native-folder under uplink.Net and also to libs/mac/ renaming it to "libstorj.dylib". Place the resulting libstorj_uplink.dylib from the build-root-folder to the runtimes/ios/native- AND the libs/ios-folder under uplink.Net.


To run the test within the VS-solution you have to set the VALID_API_KEY within TestConstants.cs of the test-project to a valid API-key. If you use a different satellite, change that address, too. Storj provides a local test-net you can spin up very quickly that would be possible to use, too.