
Basic tool for reading directed graph from file an find lowest common ancestors of the given two vertices

Primary LanguageJava

Lca Finder

Lca Finder is a basic command-line application for reading graphs from *.dot or other appropriately formatted files and finding lowest common ancestors of the given two vertices


You should have JRE or JDK version 1.8 or later installed on your local mashine


Download this jar file (button download in the upper right corner) and your are done!


Assuming your are in the folder with jar file

$ java -jar Lca_Finder-1.0.jar -f path/to/file/with/graph -p person_1 person_2

If something goes wrong, you'll see this help message

usage: java -jar jgrapht_warmup-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -f [FILE] -p [PERSON_1, PERSON_2]

Computes the lowest common ancestors of the specified people in the graph, stored in the specified

 -f,--file <file>               path to file with graph
 -p,--people <person, person>   name of the two people