Formpipe React Development Test

This project is designed to allow you to showcase your React skills by building a simple application that consumes a mock back end API.

Installation & Setup

  1. Clone the repository (ensure the Git history is preserved, and commit your changes as you go. This is a key part of the test and any submissions without a Git history will be rejected.) We're not looking for you to commit every change, but want to see your process in action.
  2. Run yarn install (the project is bootstrapped using Yarn but feel free to use another package manager if you prefer)
  3. Run yarn dev to start the application. It will be available at Vite's default location of http://localhost:5173/
  4. Run yarn start-server to start the mock back end. You should see a message in the console saying JSON Server started on PORT :3000 and a list of available endpoints.

Note: When running start-server the file db-source.json will be copied to db.json. This is to ensure that the mock data is reset to its original state when starting up. Any newly created data will be lost when the server is restarted.

If you experience any issues running the project, please contact Drew Spencer.

Coding Task (Essential)

The task is to complete the development of a simple application that lists users and their roles.

An application skeleton has been provided for you. It contains some basic routing, and a few pages have been scaffolded for you.

The applications already has the following features:

  1. A basic page that lists all users as cards.
  2. A set of filtering options for the users, which currently do nothing.

Modify the application as follows:

  1. Implement the filters in the expandable panel at the top of the 'List Users' page. You should design it so that it could handle a very large number of records in the future.
  2. The 'List Users' page should also allow the user to see all users in a table. The table should include some standard features such as sorting and pagination.
  3. Add a detail page for the user that shows their details and a list of roles they belong to.
  4. Add a page that allows editing of an existing user. For this you can call PATCH /users/:id with the appropriate data.
  5. Add the ability to group users by their roles.
  • Complete as many of the tasks as you can. You may decide to complete them all at a basic level, or you may decide to complete only some of them to a higher standard.
  • You should use React Router for navigation and Mantine for UI components.
  • You can use any other libraries you like, as long as you can justify their use.
  • You may restyle and restructure the application as much as you like.
  • You may find the documentation for json-server useful:

What we are looking for:

  • A well-structured, maintainable application.
  • A good user experience.
  • State management that is appropriate for the application.
  • Good use of typescript features.

Configuration Tasks (Stretch goals)

These tasks are designed to allow you to showcase your knowledge of the React ecosystem and your ability to configure a project. They are not essential to your application, but are designed to give you a chance to showcase your experience with JS/TS tools.

Being based on a standard template (original README left below), this project contains some configuration that your team has deemed undesirable.

Please attempt to modify the configuration as follows:

  1. Set up typescript so that all files use imports based on the src folder. For example import { Welcome } from 'components/Welcome/Welcome' should work.
  2. Change the prettier configuration so that no files contain semi-colons.
  3. Set up a Mantine theme with some additional styling.

Please feel free to make any other changes you think can improve the project.

Recommended time limit: 4-8 hours

Mantine Vite template (left for reference)


This template comes with the following features:.

npm scripts

Build and dev scripts

  • dev – start development server
  • build – build production version of the app
  • preview – locally preview production build

Testing scripts

  • typecheck – checks TypeScript types
  • lint – runs ESLint
  • prettier:check – checks files with Prettier
  • vitest – runs vitest tests
  • vitest:watch – starts vitest watch
  • test – runs vitest, prettier:check, lint and typecheck scripts

Other scripts

  • storybook – starts storybook dev server
  • storybook:build – build production storybook bundle to storybook-static
  • prettier:write – formats all files with Prettier