
A "how to" guide for private submodules on Vercel

Primary LanguageShell

Vercel private submodule 🔒

Short and easy tutorial for using private submodules on Vercel

📋 Step by step 🚀

  • copy the ./vercel-submodule-workaround.sh to the root of your project

  • make sure the file is executable - run this command:

    chmod u+x vercel-submodule-workaround.sh
  • in your package.json add a script:

            "vercel-install": "./vercel-submodule-workaround.sh && yarn --ignore-scripts --production=false",


    --production=false ensures that dev-dependencies will be installed, if you dont need your dev-dependencies to install then just delete this flag.

    --ignore-scripts ignores pre and post install scripts if you want the scripts to run delete this flag.

  • Tell Vercel to use vercel-install instead of the defalt install command

    • project -> Settings -> General => Build & Development Settings

    • in INSTALL COMMAND type

    yarn vercel-install 
    # or 
    npm vercel-install
    • toggle OVERRIDE on
  • Create a Github access token

    • Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens

    • Generate new token

    • set a note (eg. vercel)

    • set expiration to whatever you see fit (eg. No expiration)

    • select repo

      [x] repo - Full control of private repositories

    • copy the generated token

  • Add the token to Vercel Environment Variables

    • Project -> Settings -> Environment Variables

    • add a new variable called GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN and with value of the token you just copied

🎉 That's it! 🎉

+ Post Scriptum

I haven't added support for multiple submodules but it should be easy enough, try edditing this part and then the rest of the script.

# get submodule commit
output=`git submodule status --recursive` # get submodule info
no_prefix=${output#*-} # get rid of the prefix
COMMIT=${no_prefix% *} # get rid of the suffix