
RBMod Teamspeak 3 Server Query Bot

Primary LanguagePerl

 |             ____     __                             __                     |
 |            /\  _`\  /\ \       /'\_/`\             /\ \                    |
 |            \ \ \L\ \\ \ \____ /\      \     ___    \_\ \                   |
 |             \ \ ,  / \ \ '__`\\ \ \__\ \   / __`\  /'_` \                  |
 |              \ \ \\ \ \ \ \L\ \\ \ \_/\ \ /\ \L\ \/\ \L\ \                 |
 |               \ \_\ \_\\ \_,__/ \ \_\\ \_\\ \____/\ \___,_\                |
 |                \/_/\/ / \/___/   \/_/ \/_/ \/___/  \/__,_ /                |
 |                                                                            |
 |                   RbMod (Responsive Bot Modification)                      |
 |             Copyright (C) 2013, Matthew Weyrich - Scor9ioN                 |
 |                       (admin@rbmod.presension.com)                         |
 |                         ᒥ ʀbmod.pʀesensioᥒ.com ᒣ                           |
 |                         ᒪ ʁƿɯoɖ.bʁɢƨɢuƨᵎoᥙ.coɯ ᒧ                           |
 |                                  vƸ.2.3                                    |

    - Download and unzip the contents to a server / directory of your choice.
    - Open rbm_settings.cf and change the first few options for your server setup.
    - Unzip the contents of /rbm_icons.zip to your TS3 virtual server.
      '.../teamspeak/files/virtualserver_1/internal/icons' for example.
      Please go through the settings.cf features and select the corresponding icon pack or
      leave the entire icon pack off your virtual server if disabling a particular feature.
    - Make sure rbmod.pl is set to 744 (executable) and run #: ./rbmod.pl

    - Remember to add RbMod's IP to the TS3 query_ip_whitelist.txt
    - Disable logging of server permissions on your virtual server might reduce any excess
      HDD activity.

    This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
    of the Artistic License 2.0, and GNU General Public License 2.0, For more details,
    see the full text of the licenses at http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0,
    and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it is provided "as is"
    and without any express or implied warranties. For more details, see the full text of the
    licenses at http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0,
    and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html.

    RbMod was originally conceived about 7 years ago for TeamSpeak 2, some in theory and the
    rest in actual code. This how ever is a completely new project from scratch.

    FEATURE - Ping Meter
    Independent of the TeamSpeak query interface, this new feature will attempt
    to either use the built in module 'Net::Ping' to ping a client IP directly,
    if an ECHO or TCP ping fails, it will fall back to a trace-route to obtain
    either the clients ping directly, or from the first hop or two in front of
    the specific client.

    FEATURE - Sticky Channel for administrators to drag & drop client
    punishments. Place anyone that's been spamming your server directly into
    a selected channel ID of your choice - The server group 'Rb Sticky' will
    automatically attach to the offending client - until dragged back out of
    the specific channel you've chosen.

    FEATURE - Client description language filter.
    Monitor all client descriptions for swear words from the rbm_badwords.cf

    FEATURE - On-join client description / tagline global message.
    Append either a 200 character !tag <here> to display globally to all your
    buddies upon joining the server. !deltag to remove Rb custom saved tagline.
    If the client doesn't choose a !tag, the description field from TS3 will be
    used instead (max of 80 characters). Admins can set client on-join tags
    easily with the later.

    FEATURE - On-part random color coded goodbye messages.
    RbMod now uses another *.cf file (/rbm_extras/rbm_goodbye.cf) to globally
    text message a random color coated departure message for every 3rd-4th
    disconnection a client makes (independent of other disconnects). This
    feature uses over 1100 HEX color codes to generate 'rainbow' type
    message effects.

    FEATURE - Geographical Database
    Dependant upon 'Geo::IP::PurePerl' CPan module & rbm_settings.cf On/Off
    toggle, RbMod can now pickup a clients City/Region (database permitting)
    and further utilize these results in other features such as the on-join
    channel creation feature or weather statistics to name a few. This
    feature is disabled by default until both the Geo::IP::PurePerl is installed
    ('cpan' .. 'install Geo::IP::PurePerl') and the free 'GeoLite City' BINARY
    database that this module utilizes is correctly placed at the root of RbMod.

    FEATURE - Weather Conditions
    With 'Geo::IP::PurePerl' correctly running and enabled
    under rbm_settings.cf, our second dependency in which to obtain user
    temperatures comes in the form of 'Weather::Underground'. This module,
    when installed (cpan> 'install Weather::Underground') will enable
    certain temperature statistics to appear next to a clients on-join
    'status' group for a short period, as well as a global Celsius
    / Fahrenheit / Conditions global message upon first connections.
    There's of course the more permanent feature 'Temperatures_On'
    that utilizes 85 temperature icons (from -33c - +50c), updated
    on a set interval for all online connections.

    FEATURE - RSS Feeds
    With the use of 'XML::Parser' module, RbMod can now attach to a URL of
    your choosing and monitor the contents for changes, globally displaying
    the results with a interval variable.

    FEATURE - Reconnect Flood Detection Gauge.
    Written in hopes of reducing client re-connections, either intentional
    or from simple repetitive timeouts due to poor client connections, this
    feature will monitor the amount of reconnects under a set period of time,
    each infraction will escalate to further warn, kick & inevitably a ban.
    There's about 6 tiers to this 'grey' list the mod uses to watch ones
    reconnect history.

    FEATURE - Channel Query 'Bots'.
    Designed intentionally to tap into Screech's 'Now Playing' Music ->
    Channel Plugin. Setup one or more query bots in specific channel(s)
    to watch a target channels text history. Each line from the channel
    chat will immediately go beside a specified client DBID, displaying
    for example the first 30 characters of a song beside a GUI client
    connected in the form of a group 'tag' in brackets, as well as
    changing the targets description to show 0-80 characters of the
    channel text monitored.

    FEATURE - Traffic Meter
    One of RbMod's largest attractions has now been rewritten
    to produce the smoothest possible output for your TS3 server. In
    the previous RbMod releases, all the dynamic icon updates took
    place in a group generated per client. Since discovering that this
    method has it's limitations (most apparent; CPU cycles generated
    for each icon update), RbMod now uses the 'Client' icon slot
    instead, which pans out to be much less overhead on the TS3 server
    processing the image updates. There's also an interval toggle to
    slow down this particular feature if need be.

    FEATURE - Automatic Ranking
    Inspired by the gaming community and a few individuals, RbMod
    now includes 2 icon packs to choose from. Watch client ranks
    update live online. Subsequent ranks become harder to reach as
    each clients TOTAL time + scale + time / 3 = Next rank.

    FEATURE - Trace Routes
    Rewritten to produce a finer output than it's previous
    predecessor in RbMod v1.0. This version now includes the default option
    of performing a back to back trace per client. Using either ICMP / SYN
    in Linux or just finding the highest path possible. Also includes a 4th
    Icon pack of 41 new hop numbers (Default orange theme).

    FEATURE - Reverse DNS Look-ups
    Strictly for informative purposes, you can issue private
    messages to new joins depicting the reverse DNS from their ISP.

    FEATURE - Clone Detection
    Unlike version 1, this new clone detection uses a
    completely new icon pack of 7 human figure icons. each lighting up
    depending on the amount of clones per individual DBID.

    FEATURE - Operating System Detection
    Automatically detecting Windows / Linux / Mac or iOS
    clients and visually displaying the appropriate icon. Four slightly
    reworked OS icons have been added to the mix in RbMod v2.0.

    FEATURE - Auto-Move DBIDs/Groups/CCodes/Regions/Cities
    On behalf of a few personal requests, RbMod now detects upon joining
    the server either a clients group, or client DBID which in turn gets
    placed in a specified channel ID. If those aren't found, the client
    will be placed into a preexisting 2 digit CCode channel (CA) Canada,
    for example. Channel creation for Country/Region/City can also be
    utilized using the Pure-Perl module.

    FEATURE - Auto-Kick Recorders
    Automatically remove unauthorized recorders from particular Group ID's.

    FEATURE - Auto-Delete Dormant Channels
    RbMod will cleanup any temp, semi-perm, perm. channel outside it's
    exemption list, only after laying dormant for a specified amount of time.
    Be sure to add ALL your channel IDs, before turning this feature ON.

    FEATURE - Auto-Fill Empty CCodes
    Place an unknown country flag next to clients whom don't show a country,
    Ethernet icon for internal connections or a country flag from the CCode
    icon pack with Pure-Perl database enabled.

    FEATURE - Channel Flood Detection    
    Rewritten to give the server admin the option
    of either punishing, kicking or banning an individual for spamming
    through all the channels. Punishment includes the old temporary channel
    creation upon infractions, or the ability to use your own channel and
    move the person back to a default channel once unpunished.

    FEATURE - Channel Language Filter
    Designed for performance, this new version includes an interval
    option but probably isn't necessary. as each room will be
    scanned against the list of 'bad words' only when the name changes,
    or the channel's created for the first time.

    FEATURE - Nickname Language Filter
    Like the Channel Language Filter, every client gets reviewed for
    changes, only once a name change is detected will RbMod scan for
    bad words against the current update.

    FEATURE - Nickname Protection
    With seven settings to choose from, you can now protect a group
    of clients from other groups stealing your protected client names.
    Choose whether to punish the same group members for using a safe
    name, or just choose a kick / ban reason.

    FEATURE - Group Protection
    Select individual client DBID's, and the corresponding group they
    belong with. If any client outside this list joins an unauthorized
    group, the group will be revoked immediately and kicked if desired.

    FEATURE - Dynamic Banners / Banner Links
    Many admins seem to enjoy this feature, RbMod now gives you the
    ability to choose a list of as many Image URLs as you like. With
    the capability of changing the banner LINKS on it's own independent
    time cycle. Change the banner link once every 2 banners or choose
    which ever variations suite your setup.

    FEATURE - Client Status
    Display either a 'Live', 'Idle' or 'AFK' icon, based upon desired
    time requirements of your choice. Country & Temperatures also show
    for a set interval during a new client connection in a group tag.

    FEATURE - Message Of The Day
    RbMod now includes a separate configuration file to add or subtract
    custom RbMod variables to display to new clients or existing. See

    FEATURE - Real-time Black-hole List
    With this new feature enabled, every client will be checked
    (via nslookup) against the online RBL at server of your choice.
    White-list any IP addresses that are known to be friendly, yet

    FEATURE - AFK-Move
    Choose which groups to skip over as this feature will move any client
    found idling over a set amount of time to a chosen channel ID.

    Matthew Weyrich - Scor9ioN

    Dan22 - Thanks go out to Dan for his personal quotes and other /rbm_extras/*
            contributions. As well, for beta testing RbMod everyday and engineering
            new ideas in the development of RbMod.

    J3llB3an - My lady, for putting up with all the late nights - early morning coding
               for the past few months. She has just as much patience as I... =)

    Version Ƹ.2 (Beta)