
TLSFT standard mobile/web client.

Primary LanguageVue


NPM Scripts

  • 🔥 start - run development server
  • 🔧 dev - run development server
  • 🔧 build-dev - build web app using development mode (faster build without minification and optimization)
  • 🔧 build-prod - build web app for production


There is a webpack bundler setup. It compiles and bundles all "front-end" resources. You should work only with files located in /src folder. Webpack config located in build/webpack.config.js.

Webpack has specific way of handling static assets (CSS files, images, audios). You can learn more about correct way of doing things on official webpack documentation.


Assets (icons, splash screens) source images located in assets-src folder. To generate your own icons and splash screen images, you will need to replace all assets in this directory with your own images (pay attention to image size and format), and run the following command in the project directory:

framework7 generate-assets

Or launch UI where you will be able to change icons and splash screens:

framework7 generate-assets --ui

Documentation & Resources