
Python library containing utility functions used within BIAFLOWS wrapper files (annotation export, metrics computation).

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

BIAFLOWS utilities

Utility functions for BIAFLOWS workflows.

Running workflows locally

You can run workflows without communicating with BIAflows


  • in the workflow Dockerfile: ADD descriptor.json /app/descriptor.json

Then run:

docker run -v $LOCAL_FOLDER:/data-it DOCKER_TAG \
    (workflow parameters ...)
    --local \
    --infolder /data/in \
    --outfolder /data/out \
    --gtfolder /data/gt

where $LOCAL_FOLDER is the local data folder (i.e. on your host).


Some installation steps have to be performed manually:

# install cytomine python client
pip install https://github.com/Cytomine-ULiege/Cytomine-python-client/archive/master.zip

# install utilities
git clone https://github.com/biaflows/biaflows-utilities.git
cd biaflows-utilities
pip install .

# manually place binaries in path (required for using biaflows.metrics subpackage)
chmod +x bin/*
cp bin/* /usr/bin/


This sections documents the three helper functions prepare_data, upload_data and upload_metrics.

In general, the parameter problemclass should one of the following constants (see biaflows/problemclass.py):

  • CLASS_OBJSEG: object segmentation
  • CLASS_SPTCNT: spot count
  • CLASS_PIXCLA: pixel classification
  • CLASS_TRETRC: tree network tracing
  • CLASS_LOOTRC: loopy network tracing
  • CLASS_OBJDET: object detection
  • CLASS_PRTTRK: particle tracking
  • CLASS_OBJTRK: object tracking
  • CLASS_LNDDET: landmark detection

Prepare data

This functions sets up the execution environment of a workflow by creating necessary folders and by downloading the input data, or simply checking that this data is already present in the expected folder.

The data is returned in a format that depends on the problem class, the dimensionality of the problem and whether or not the dataset is downloaded from a BIAFLOWS instance. In general, input (or ground truth) images will be returned as Cytomine models if the dataset is downloaded. Otherwise (if --nodownload was used), their absolute path is returned as string. See below for more details.


  • problemclass (type: str): the problem class of the workflow for which the env must be setup.
  • nj (type: CytomineJob|BiaflowsJob): a CytomineJob or BiaflowsJob instance.
  • gt_suffix (type: str): ground truth images suffix in the BIAflows project.
  • base_path (type: str|None): base path for data download. Defaults to the $HOME/{nj.job.id}/.
  • do_download (type: bool): true if data should be downloaded from a BIAFLOWS instance.
  • infolder (type: str|None): full path of the folder for input data. If None, defaults to {base_path}/in.
  • outfolder (type: str|None): full path of the folder for output data. If None, defaults to {base_path}/out.
  • gtfolder (type: str|None): full path of the folder for ground truth data. If None, defaults to {base_path}/ground_truth.
  • tmp_folder (type: str): name (not the path) for temporary data folder.
  • is_2d (type: bool): True if the problem is a 2d one, False otherwise (3D, 4D, 3D+t).
  • kwargs (type: dict): additional problem class-specific parameters (see sections below).
    • [CLASS_TRETRC] suffix (type: str): suffix in the filename for attached files (by default _attached).


  • in_data (type: list): list of input data. If is_2d then usually a list of ImageInstance. If --nodownload (i.e. do_download is True) was used, then usually a list of absolute path to the input images. For CLASS_TRETRC, a list of tuple containing the input as first item and attached file path as second item.
  • gt_images (type: list): list of ground truth data (same format as in_data).
  • in_path (type: str): full path to input data folder.
  • gt_path (type: str): full path to ground truth data folder.
  • out_path (type: str): full path to output data folder.
  • tmp_path (type: str): full path to tmp data folder.


Annotation export tools.

NOTE: in 3D, the exporter expects the dimensions to be in this order: [y, x, z/t]

Annotation slice

The AnnotationSlice class represents a 2D annotation with additional metadata when relevant:

  • shape: encoded as a polygon
  • label: label associated to the annotation
  • index: for 3D volumes, the depth index
  • time: for time volumes, the time index

From masks to objects

See file mask_to_objects.py. All function take a multi-dimensional array as input and output AnnotationSlice

  • 2D: mask_to_objects_2d
  • 3D/2D+t: mask_to_objects_3d
  • 3D+t: mask_to_objects_3dt

From masks to points

See file mask_to_points.py:

  • 2D: mask_to_points_2d


test/metrics/test_compute_metrics.py is a sample wrapper script calling the benchmarking module (ComputeMetrics), some calls and sample images are provided.