
Project "Encryption-Decryption" from JetBrains Academy

Primary LanguageJava


Project: Encryption-Decryption from JetBrains Academy.

args for testing:

Example 1: reading and writing to files; the arguments are:

-mode enc -in road_to_treasure.txt -out protected.txt -key 5 -alg unicode

This command must get data from road_to_treasure.txt, encrypt the data with the key of 5, create protected.txt, and write ciphertext into it.

Example 2: encryption with the unicode algorithm; the arguments are:

-mode enc -key 5 -data "Welcome to hyperskill!" -alg unicode

Output: \jqhtrj%yt%m~ujwxpnqq&

Example 3: decryption with the unicode algorithm; the arguments are:

-key 5 -alg unicode -data "\jqhtrj%yt%m~ujwxpnqq&" -mode dec

Output: Welcome to hyperskill!

Example 4: encryption with the shift algorithm; the arguments are:

-key 5 -alg shift -data "Welcome to hyperskill!" -mode enc

Output: Bjqhtrj yt mdujwxpnqq!

Example 5: decryption with the shift algorithm; the arguments are:

-key 5 -alg shift -data "Bjqhtrj yt mdujwxpnqq!" -mode dec

Output: Welcome to hyperskill!

Example 6:

-mode enc -key 5 -in "./Encryption-Decryption/task/res/text" -data "Welcome!" -out "./Encryption-Decryption/task/res/result"