
Import ODE models in the SBML format into Julia ModellingToolkit ODESystems

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Julia Importer for Dynamic Models in the SBML Format

Stable Dev Build Status

SBMLImporter.jl is a Julia importer for dynamic models specified in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) into a Catalyst ReactionSystem - which allows for model simulations with stochastic (Gillespie, SDE) or deterministic (ODE) simulators. It supports many SBML features, such as events, rate-, assignment-, algebraic-rules, dynamic compartment size, and conversion factors. For a detailed list of supported features, see below.

To perform parameter estimation for a SBML model, see PEtab.jl.

A list of differences compared to SBMLToolkit is provided below. For constraint-based modeling, see COBREXA.jl.


SBMLImporter.jl can be installed via the Julia package manager:

julia> ] add SBMLImporter

Alternatively, you can use:

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("SBMLImporter")

Quick Start

Importing an SBML model is straightforward. Given the path to a SBML file to import into a ReactionSystem do:

using SBMLImporter
rn, specie_map, parameter_map = SBML_to_ReactionSystem(path_SBML)

Here, rn is the ReactionSystem that for example can be converted into an ODESystem or a SDESystem, specie_map is a mapping for the initial values, and parameter_map is a mapping/values for the model parameters. To simulate the model with an ODE-solver, construct an ODEProblem and solve it using any ODE solver from OrdinaryDiffeq:

using OrdinaryDiffEq
sys = convert(ODESystem, rn)
tspan = (0, 10.0)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, specie_map, tspan, parameter_map, jac=true)
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5P())

Alternatively, the model can be imported directly into an ODESystem with:

sys, specie_map, parameter_map = SBML_to_ODESystem(path_SBML)

To import more advanced models with events and/or piecewise (ifelse) expressions, see the documentation.

Differences compared to SBMLToolkit

The key differences between SBMLToolkit and SBMLImporter are:

  • SBMLToolkit works with (and transforms) species to be in amount. SBMLImporter supports species in amount and/or concentration.

  • SBMLToolkit has a cleaner interface, as it performs all model processing via Symbolics.jl.

  • SBMLImporter has wider event support, including events with directionality. It further processes events without species in the trigger into a DiscreteCallback, making simulations more efficient.

  • SBMLImporter rewrites SBML piecewise expressions to callbacks if possible instead of using ifelse, this improves integration stability and reduces runtime.

  • SBMLImporter has more extensive SBML support, passing more tests in the test-suite. It is further the SBML importer for PEtab.jl, which regularly tests against several published models of various sizes.

Supported SBML Features

SBMLImporter supports many SBML features for SBML models (level 2 or higher). Currently, excluding FBA models, it successfully passes 1257 out of 1785 test cases. The failed test cases cover features currently not supported. If SBMLImporter lacks support for a feature you would like, please file an issue on GitHub. The features not supported are:

  • Delay (creating a delay-differential-equations)
  • Events with delay
  • Events with priority
  • Hierarchical models
  • Fast reactions
  • Parameter or species names corresponding to Julia constants (pi, NaN, true, false)
  • Certain uncommon math expressions, such as lt with three arguments, implies etc...

Import might also fail for complicated nested piecewise expressions inside SBML functions.


We will soon publish a paper you can cite if you found SBMLImporter.jl helpful in your work.