
The command line tool to use otr.datenkeller.net

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

my-otr Shell Script

The missing command-line tool for otr.datenkeller.net!

Finally! :)


  • to automate usage of otr.datenkeller.net, e.g. to be able to programm recordings of your favorite shows via a cron job :)
  • because it provides much better filtering than the website!

Tested on MacOS and Linux


  • Shell (script is /bin/dash compatible, so only uses POSIX shell features)
  • awk
  • Some otr decode tool (if you want to decode ;))
  • wget and aria2c or curl


Copy my-otr somewhere. Run it. It'll guide you ;)

Otherwise you first need to:

  • install my-otr somewhere
  • run my-otr --conf >~/.my-otr.conf to create your CONFIG FILE
  • edit the CONFIG FILE:
  • place my-otr.awk somewhere (e.g. ~/.my-otr.awk /or/ BESIDE my-otr /or/ edit OUR_AWK_SCRIPT variable in the CONFIG FILE.


usage: my-otr/my-otr [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> [[PARAM] [..]]

  -C  | --conf [FILE]  If FILE is provided: Use FILE as config file (instead of '/Users/me/.my-otr.conf').
                       If called WITHOUT FILE this will print the DEFAULT CONFIG.
                       You can use this to create your default config file:
                         my-otr --conf > "/Users/me/.my-otr.conf"
  -Q  | --quiet        Supress any regular status output of the script (search results will still be printed). Independent of VERBOSE and DEBUG !
  -V  | --verbose      Turn VERBOSE output ON.
  -D  | --debug        Turn DEBUG output ON.
  -DD | --deep-debug   Turn DEBUG for subcommands ON called by this script: my-otr.awk, decode_cmd as returned by get_decode_cmd()
                       Independent of regular debug output (--debug).
  -l  | --log          Turn LOGGING of any output (verbose, debug, deep-debug) ON. Logs to LOGFILE '/var/log/mine/me/my-otr.log' by default.
  -L  | --no-log       Prevent logging to LOGFILE '/var/log/mine/me/my-otr.log'.
  --log-file FILE      Set LOGFILE to FILE.
  -F  | --force        Do FORCE things - you'll be informed (in VERBOSE mode) where this can help.

COMMAND can be:
  [--]help     shows this usage information

  [--]decode   <OTRFILE> [<OTRFILE> [..]] [<OUTPUT-DIR> defaults to /dl/,tv]
               <OTRFILE> can be '-', then the OTRFILE(s) are read from stdin !
               The script will stop decoding and quit on errors.
               <OUTPUT-DIR> needs to be a directory that exists.
               This command is by default SILENT. Use --verbose to see decoded filenames.

  [--]login    <<< will NOT re-loging if cookie file found; except if FORCE is used <<< #TODO# automatically re-login in case cookie is not valid anymore

  [--]search   <<< allow filtering via additional parameters: 
                   MANDATORY parameter: 
                       TITLE SEARCH TEXT <<< text to search for in titles (this is what you would type into searchbox on otr.datenkeller.net!)
                                         <<< will STOP to take parameters as TITLE-SEARCH-TEXT when a ',' is found!
                   OPTIONAL parameters: All parameters starting with '@' can be provided multiple times!
                       DESCRIPTION SEARCH TEXT <<< OPTIONAL 2nd text parameter; this will be used to search in the description <<< NOT YET IMPLEMENTED !!! #TODO#
                       @channel <<< search only in provided channel name (channel name must match otr.datenkeller.net)
                       '>date' <<< search only for shows AFTER (or ON; so including) a given date; in format: 2021-11-24
                       '<date' <<< search only for shows UP TO (or ON; so including) a given date; in format: 2021-11-24
                       '@date' <<< search only for shows AT a given date; in format: 2021-11-24
                       '@HH:' or '@HHh' or '@HH:MM' <<< e.g. "@20h" search only for shows STARTING AT the provided time
                       '>HH:' or '>HHh' or '>HH:MM' <<< e.g. ">20h" search only for shows STARTING AFTER (or ON; so including) the provided time
                       '<HH:' or '<HHh' or '<HH:MM' <<< e.g. "<20h" search only for shows STARTING BEFORE (or ON; so including) the provided time
                       '@Mon' .. '@sun'  <<< search only for shows GIVEN AT CERTAIN WEEKDAY
                       '@DD' <<< search only for shows with a DURATION EQUAL the provided length in minutes
                       '<DD' <<< search only for shows with a DURATION LESS (or EQUAL; so including) the provided length in minutes
                       '>DD' <<< search only for shows with a DURATION MORE (or EQUAL; so including) the provided length in minutes

  [--]dl|download  <<< reads URL to download from stdin
                   <<< will NOT re-download if decoded file already exists; except if FORCE is used

  [--]get          <<< LIKE --dl, but will after successful download automatically DECODE (like calling my-otr --decode)!

Uses CONFIG FILE '~/.my-otr.conf'. You can change location with --conf parameter!

  QUIET   = '' <<< if QUIET is set (so != ''), then by default this script will supress any regular status output (search results will still be printed) 
  LOG     = '1' <<< if LOG is set (so != ''), then by default this script will redirect all output to this LOGFILE '/var/log/mine/me/my-otr.log'! (see --no-log above)
  VRB     = '' <<< if VRB is set (so != ''), then by default this script will print VERBOSE output (see --verbose above)
  DBG     = '' <<< if DBG is set (so != ''), then by default this script will print DEBUG output (see --debug above)
  DEEPDBG = '' <<< if DBG is set (so != ''), then by default this script will print DEBUG output (see --deep-debug above)
  FORCE   = '' <<< if FORCE is set (so != ''), then by default this script will FORCE some things (see --force above)

  # Search all Bares fuer Rares given on channel 'zdf', aired on or after 2020-02-28 and only shows given at exactly 15h05:
  my-otr search "bares fuer rares" @zdf ">2020-02-28" @15:05

  # Simply download ALL available Bares fuer Rares and decode them (but starting with the OLDEST -- hence the 'tac'):
  my-otr search bares fuer rares|tac|my-otr get

### ALL OUTPUT (regular status ouput (notice), VERBOSE, DEBUG output) all goes to STDERR /or/ to LOGFILE.
### ANY OUTPUT useful to be piped to next tool will go to STDOUT !