Running tasks based on any uiautomator API through this APP on Root devices
There are 2 parts to implement this goal:
Tasker-App, accept user tasks and route these commands to run test suit app, based on android junit test and uiautomator framework Instrumention decleared.
Tasker Module, the real tests container.
- Add dependencies
compile ''
// Set this dependency to use JUnit 4 rules
compile ''
// Set this dependency to build and run Espresso tests
compile ''
// Set this dependency to build and run UI Automator tests
compile ''
compile 'com.github.Tornaco:Logger:1.1'
- Declare it a test app in AndroidManifest.xml
android:label="Tests for dev.tornaco.tasker"
android:targetPackage="dev.tornaco.tasker" />
- Declare your modules in assets/xxx
"title":"Mock pressHome"
"title":"Mock toast"
We can easily achive this goal: Launcher an app and find an UI object and perform a lot of actions.
public void setup() {
public void teardown() throws InterruptedException {
// Wait for dismiss.
sleep(3 * 1000);
public void pressHome() {
UiDevice device = UiDevice.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation());