JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures


I've decided to document various algorithms and data structures in JavaScript to illustrate their impact on performance, scalability, and overall code quality 👨‍💻

Feel free to learn from, share, and use this information in your own projects or however you see fit 🤝

*Please note ordering of added topics may change over time.

Folders and Files Sequence

1. Big O Notation: This folder contains resources related to Big O notation, including explanations and examples.

  • timeComplexity.js: This file Explains how execution time grows with input size, with examples of different time complexities.

  • spaceComplexity.js: This file Discusses memory usage of algorithms and compares space requirements for various data types.

  • logarithms.js: This file Describes logarithmic growth and how it affects algorithm efficiency, including examples of logarithmically increasing time complexities.

  • objectsAndArrays.js: This file describes the comparison between objects and arrays, as well as how their methods relate to time complexity.

2. Problem Solving: This folder contains resources on problem-solving approaches, patterns, and current examples.

  • problemSolvingApproach.js: This file discusses the problem-solving approach, including examples and the steps needed to effectively solve problems.

  • frequencyCounter.js: This file provides an in-depth explanation of the frequency counter pattern, with two examples demonstrating its application in solving algorithmic problems efficiently.

3. Recursion: This folder contains resources on recursion, including explanations and examples.

  • recursionIntroduction.js: This file discusses the fundamentals of recursion, providing examples and steps for effective problem-solving.