
Creating a New Project Fails on Linux

greenfire27 opened this issue · 1 comments

The module copy function appears to fail on Linux. This uses some rare platform file and directory function that probably have gone out of date on Linux.

I noticed this while writing #43 which is a fix for #42.

I tried to make a new module named caseytest and observed the following in the console:

Module Manager: Found module: '/home/casey/Repos/Torque2D-1/library/AppCore/module.taml' but it is already registered as module Id 'AppCore' at version Id '1'. 
Module Manager: Cannot copy module Id 'AppCore' using target directory '/home/casey/Repos/Torque2D-1/caseytest/AppCore' as directory copy failed. 
Module Manager: Cannot copy module Id 'Audio' using target directory '/home/casey/Repos/Torque2D-1/caseytest/Audio' as directory copy failed. 
Can't open file: /home/casey/Repos/Torque2D-1/caseytest/AppCore/module.taml 
File IO error: No such file or directory 
Taml::read() - Could not open filename '/home/casey/Repos/Torque2D-1/caseytest/AppCore/module.taml' for read. 
TamlRead() - Could not read object from file '/home/casey/Repos/Torque2D-1/caseytest\/AppCore/module.taml'. 
TamlWrite() - Could not find object '/home/casey/Repos/Torque2D-1/caseytest\/AppCore/module.taml' to write to file '/home/casey/Repos/Torque2D-1/caseytest\/AppCore/module.taml'.

My gut says this is a mkdir vs a mkdir -p situation.