A completely free, open-source, 2D game engine built on proven torque technology.
- 0
- 4
Apple Silicon Support
#29 opened by haneenmahd - 0
Please support MSYS2 MINGW64
#67 opened - 0
[MSVC] Torque2D failed to build due to error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp_ldexp on x64 on Windows
#66 opened by Od0VxibTqto6Hs - 3
Technical Debt: Linux doesn't build in C++17
#44 opened by greenfire27 - 1
Strange code fragments
#62 opened by mjunix - 1
Technical Debt: Std Library and Linux
#45 opened by greenfire27 - 0
Wiki Home Page - Into to GUI broken links
#48 opened by AndyAnon14 - 4
GCC Fails with Unordered_map
#42 opened by greenfire27 - 1
Creating a New Project Fails on Linux
#46 opened by greenfire27 - 5
- 0
Compile failed to build on Windows with MSVC "error C2888: 'std::tuple_size<std::tr1::tuple<void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void>>': symbol cannot be defined within namespace 'tr1'"
#39 opened by YangYang129 - 1
cannot edit wiki
#35 opened by elementc - 2
Sandbox: Leap Toy Is No Longer Functional
#13 opened by ParodyGames - 2
- 1
can not find unicows.dll
#16 opened by CSutter5 - 4
OS freezes when launching Torque2D.exe
#1 opened by girng